RE: [epubcheck] naming and issues conventions

Hi Tzviya et al.

It might be useful to add a strong prefix for categorizing files: OPF, CONTENT, NAV, CONTAINER...
For example, "svg-not-in-spine" could be "OPF_svg-not-in-spine".

And I would be happy to help Romain for cleaning up the test suite.



Vincent Gros
Project Manager, PhD
Direction Innovation et Technologie Numérique
Hachette Livre
58 rue Jean Bleuzen
92170 Vanves
Bureau M6.22
+33(0)1 43 92 35 92

De : Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken []
Envoyé : mardi 13 juin 2017 17:05
À :
Objet : [epubcheck] naming and issues conventions

Hello epubcheck TF,

Following up on last week's meeting, here is a proposed naming convention for test suite files:

1.       lowercase descriptive filenames with hyphens.

2.       Prefixes for dedicated domains.

3.       EPUB Version should NOT be included in file name (some tests apply to multiple versions)


 *   svg-not-in-spine describes a file with SVG not in the spine
 *   edu-basic describes an EPUB for Education basic test file
 *   meta-inf-not-in-OPF describes a file that is missing the metainf file in the OPF
 *   mr-collections describes a multiple renditions EPUB with a collection element
Any feedback on this proposal?

When logging issues in GitHub, please try to use explicit references to sections of the specs.

If you signed up for a task at the last meeting<>, please remember to finish it by the end of the month.

As a reminder, we still need volunteers for the following tasks:
Document changes in GitHub for EPUB 3.0.1 -> 3.1. We have a volunteer for the Packages spec, but there's more!
Skills required: Familiarity with EPUB and GitHub

Write Marketing copy for pending 4.0.1 maintenance release of epubcheck
Skills required: writing marketing copy for technical people

Cleaning up test suite files for epubcheck
Skills required: EPUB editing and following Romain's every wish


Tzviya Siegman
Information Standards Lead

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2017 16:15:40 UTC