Re: [epubcheck] naming and issues conventions

Hi Tzviya, For unit tests the convention is that every test must start with the word test in lowercase.  Some testing environments require this I believe.

When I have done unit tests using Java we usually had Camel Case with

I guess you could go with

I assume that would be fine but never tried that before.

Would be curious to hear others thoughts on this.


Charles LaPierre
Technical Lead, DIAGRAM and Born Accessible
Twitter: @CLaPierreA11Y
Skype: charles_lapierre
Phone: 650-600-3301

On Jun 13, 2017, at 8:05 AM, Siegman, Tzviya - Hoboken <<>> wrote:

Hello epubcheck TF,

Following up on last week’s meeting, here is a proposed naming convention for test suite files:

1.       lowercase descriptive filenames with hyphens.

2.       Prefixes for dedicated domains.

3.       EPUB Version should NOT be included in file name (some tests apply to multiple versions)


  *   svg-not-in-spine describes a file with SVG not in the spine
  *   edu-basic describes an EPUB for Education basic test file
  *   meta-inf-not-in-OPF describes a file that is missing the metainf file in the OPF
  *   mr-collections describes a multiple renditions EPUB with a collection element

Any feedback on this proposal?

When logging issues in GitHub, please try to use explicit references to sections of the specs.

If you signed up for a task at the last meeting<>, please remember to finish it by the end of the month.

As a reminder, we still need volunteers for the following tasks:
Document changes in GitHub for EPUB 3.0.1 -> 3.1. We have a volunteer for the Packages spec, but there’s more!
Skills required: Familiarity with EPUB and GitHub

Write Marketing copy for pending 4.0.1 maintenance release of epubcheck
Skills required: writing marketing copy for technical people

Cleaning up test suite files for epubcheck
Skills required: EPUB editing and following Romain’s every wish


Tzviya Siegman
Information Standards Lead

Received on Tuesday, 13 June 2017 15:33:49 UTC