RE: Enhanced Literature

First Thoughts:
I might expect to toggle curated notes and research, perhaps adding cultural/historical perspective and context.

This brings to mind a recent experience I had reading a novel written primarily in English, but peppered with French—a language I don’t understand. Google Translate on Android has a wonderful feature: Select and copy text in any app, and a Floating Action Button (FAB) pops onto the screen which, when clicked, performs an unobtrusive translation (Screenshots attached). A feature like this built into a piece of “Enhanced Literature” could be indispensable, especially when words/phrases have multiple translations—the author or editor could provide the intended meaning.  

Best Regards,
James Briano

From: tey tag
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2017 2:57 AM
To: W3C EPUB3 Community Group
Subject: Enhanced Literature

Hello there,

What does “Enhanced Literature" first evoke in your opinion?

I wish you a good day.

N. Erhan Uzumcu
Art Director and EPUB Developer
TEYTAG Founder
(Turkish Electronic Publishing Desing and Research Group - Istanbul, Turkey)Üzümc
@ePub3Lib #teytag

Received on Saturday, 15 April 2017 17:58:05 UTC