Re: [EPUB3WG] Proposed Resolutions - Please vote!

Votes below.

Rick Johnson | Co-Founder and Vice President of Product Strategy and Accessibility
VitalSource Technologies, LLC <>

  1.  Proposed: EPUB 3.3 and EPUB Reading Systems 3.3 will be published using the old process, they are not living standards

  1.  Proposed: EPUB Accessibility 1.1 will be published using the old process, it will not be a living standard

  1.  Proposed: EPUB 3.3, EPUB Reading Systems 3.3, and EPUB Accessibility 1.1 will be sent to ISO using the PAS process once published as recommendations

  1.  Proposed: Send EPUB 3.3 to Proposed Recommendation status (PR)

  1.  Proposed: Send EPUB Reading Systems 3.3 to Proposed Recommendation status (PR)

  1.  Proposed: Send EPUB Accessibility 1.1 to Proposed Recommendation status (PR)

Received on Monday, 30 January 2023 21:21:46 UTC