Digital Publishing Accessibility at Frankfurt Book Fair 2022

Sorry for cross posting.

Dear Publishing folks at the W3C,
2025 is approaching: to support the publishing industry in the implementation of the European Accessibility Act (EAA), Fondazione LIA is organizing three events at the Frankfurt Book Fair focused on different aspects of accessibility in collaboration with international partners and in the framework of the Aldus UP project.

Accessibility in action: three challenges for the publishing industry
October 19th, 3 – 4 pm
Frankfurt Studio (Hall 40, room Europa)
In light of the forthcoming European Accessibility Act, the adoption of the «Born accessible» principle is nowadays in the agenda of all the publishing companies operating in Europe and worldwide. Publishers and all the players in the value chain are working to incorporate accessibility into digital mainstream production and distribution channels, thus providing the same titles to everyone.

Accessibility networking event. Meet international colleagues and experts!
October 19th, 4 – 5 pm
Hall 4, room Entente
Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, Fondazione LIA and Frankfurter Buchmesse are glad to invite you to a networking event with international colleagues and accessibility experts. Keynote: Anne Bergman-Tahon, Director FEP: “Are we heading for chaos for the backlist titles with the implementation of the European Accessibility Act?”. Join the international crowd of accessibility experts for a drink and a snack and find your peers to discuss challenges of inclusive publishing, like certification of accessible e-books, image description and metadata distribution. Participants will have the chance to further discuss with accessibility experts from the previous seminar “Accessibility in action”.

Reading in the dark
October 20th, 7.30 pm
Orangerie in Günthersburgpark, Frankfurt
Fondazione LIA, in collaboration with the Frankfurter Buchmesse and in the framework of Aldus UP, organizes a Reading in the dark in the beautiful setting of the Orangerie in Günthersburgpark. Through the absence of light, the Reading in the dark cancels any distinction between those who read with their eyes, those with their hands, and those with their ears. Famous writers and blind or visually impaired readers alternately read the same book, revealing the different ways of using it.

More information at:

I hope to see you there in person!

Gregorio Pellegrino
Chief Accessibility Officer

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Received on Friday, 9 September 2022 09:22:58 UTC