PAS submission to ISO/IEC JTC1 (was Re: [AGENDA] EPUB 3 Working Group (EPUB3WG) Teleconference - 8 December 2022)


> What do we do after EPUB 3.3?

I propose to submit EPUB 3.3, EPUB RS 3.3, and
EPUB A11Y 1.1 to ISO/IEC JTC1 using the PAS
submission procedure.  In my understanding, the
PAS agreement between W3C and JTC1 implies
that JTC1 will attach cover pages and will not touch
anything.  This is how WCAG 2.0 was published
as ISO/IEC 40500:2012.

Replacing old versions in JTC1 by new versions
is good for avoiding unnecessary confusion.  In
particular, I can start to revise the JIS version
of EPUB A11Y.


2022年12月7日(水) 23:20 Reid, Wendy <>:

> Thursday 8 December 2022
> Time: 7:00 PM Boston (60min)
> Local date/time link: *
> <>*
> Connection details at end of note
> Topics:
> 1 – Testing Updates [1]
> 2 – MIME Sniffing [2]
> 3 – What do we do after EPUB 3.3?
> Links
> [1]
> [2]
> =================
> = Connection details =
> =================
> Text Chat:
> IRC://
> Meeting link for Zoom in archive:
> =================
> The EPUB3WG relies on IRC in our weekly call to encourage meeting
> participation, document our discussions, vote on resolutions and manage the
> speaker queue, etc. For more information about IRC in, please
> review

村田 真

Received on Thursday, 8 December 2022 00:55:35 UTC