Fwd: [IANA #1232919] Updating registered Media Types bound to the EPUB specification


We have sent an official request to update the media type registrations to the EPUB 3.3 document (without a new registration). The official comment below came this morning. A PR should follow shortly to accommodate the text with these changes.


> Begin forwarded message:
> From: "Sabrina Tanamal via RT" <iana-mime@iana.org>
> Subject: [IANA #1232919] Updating registered Media Types bound to the EPUB specification
> Date: 2 August 2022 at 00:39:06 CEST
> To: ivan@w3.org
> Reply-To: iana-mime@iana.org
> Message-Id: <rt-4.4.3-2674-1659393546-119.1232919-37-0@icann.org>
> Hi Ivan,
> Thanks for your patience. We have a response from the media type reviewer:
> I finally reviewed changes. The updated registrations are mostly fine,
> but I have a few small comments that need to be addressed:
> application/oebps-package+xml:
> The new "Encoding considerations" says:
> Package documents are UTF-8 or UTF-16 encoded XML.
> It was wrong before and it is still a bit wrong, because this field can
> have only 1 of 4 values: 7bit/8bit/binary/framed.
> I think "binary" is suitable here, as UTF-16 always use "binary" encoding.
> The newly added "Fragment Identifiers" says:
> EPUB Canonical Fragment Identifiers are custom fragment identifiers
> that can resolve to application/oebps-package+xml documents.
> I don't know what this means and the above doesn't give me enough
> information about where more information can be found.
> I found Section in <https://www.w3.org/TR/epub-33/> and it seems
> to contain
> the text I expected here. I suggest the above text is replaced with the
> reference to this section.
> For application/epub+zip:
> Fragment identifiers:
> EPUB Canonical Fragment Identifiers are custom fragment identifiers
> that can resolve to application/epub+zip and application/oebps-
> package+xml documents.
> Similar comments as for the application/oebps-package+xml.
> ====
> Best regards,
> Sabrina Tanamal
> Lead IANA Services Specialist
> On Wed Jul 27 15:42:23 2022, amanda.baber wrote:
>> Hi Ivan,
>> I'm just writing to confirm that this request is still with the reviewer.
>> Best regards,
>> Amanda Baber
>> IANA Operations Manager

Ivan Herman, W3C
Home: http://www.w3.org/People/Ivan/
mobile: +33 6 52 46 00 43

Received on Tuesday, 2 August 2022 03:37:38 UTC