Re: ISO SC 34/JWG 7, new work item for digital publications?


Do we want to keep JWG7 alive?  If we do not create
new work items for JWG7, it will be disbanded eventually.
EPUB 3.3 is not going to be a new work item for JWG7 in
the near future.

I would like to hear what people have to say.


2021年5月7日(金) 15:49 Ivan Herman <>:

> Makoto,
> yes, indeed, W3C can use the PAS procedure to publish, when the time
> comes, EPUB 3.3. The only thing I was saying that this was never really
> discussed so far and no decision has been taken It may be an issue that has
> to be picked up by the Steering Committee. We are well ahead of time here;
> after all, the REC version of EPUB 3.3 is still more than a year away…
> Cheers
> Ivan
> On 6 May 2021, at 21:44, MURATA <> wrote:
> Unlike IDPF, W3C can use the PAS procedure for creating
> an ISO/IEC standard, if my understanding is correct.  This
> is a *big* change.  It has impacts on the maintenance process
> as well.  We should carefully study what has been agreed
> between W3C and ISO/IEC about the PAS procedure.
> Regards,
> Makoto
> 2021年5月7日(金) 3:29 Ivan Herman <>:
>> Laurent,
>> >
>> > I suppose EPUB 3.3 will be proposed as an ISO standard when it is
>> finalized. Is it the case?
>> I don't think there is any decision or commitment on this.
>> Ivan
>> > By curiosity, is there any other *new* work item planned for ISO
>> standardization?
>> >
>> > Best regards
>> > Laurent
>> >
> --
>  --
> 慶應義塾大学政策・メディア研究科特任教授
> 村田 真
> ----
> Ivan Herman, W3C
> Home:
> mobile: +33 6 52 46 00 43

村田 真

Received on Friday, 7 May 2021 07:42:03 UTC