Fixed layout titles and real problems today

Hello WG folks,


I know we are working on the best ways to create a fixed layout
specification that will be accessible. However, there are many that are on
the market today. Are there techniques to transform these into something
that is accessible? I mean what do we do when a child with a disability
needs to be reading the same picture book as everybody else? If the child is
learning with a refreshable braille display, they need to get at the text in
the correct reading order.


If there is something you can think of that could be automated for a large
set of titles, that would be good to know.








George Kerscher Ph.D.

-In our Information Age, access to information is a fundamental human right.

Chief Innovations Officer, DAISY Consortium


Senior Advisor, Global Literacy, Benetech


President, International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) 


Member of the National Museum and Library Services  Board (IMLS)


Chair Steering Council Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI), at W3C


Phone: +1 406/549-4687

Cell:+1 406/544-2466 

Email:  <>


Received on Wednesday, 17 March 2021 20:24:20 UTC