Re: [EPUB3] Agenda 2020-09-18

I’m working on a new agenda format (kindly provided by the DID WG) that will be a little clearer, but today the meeting is 8PM ET, 5PM PT, and 9AM JST.

Will make sure this is super obvious in future agendas.


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From: Brady Duga <>
Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2020 5:51:08 PM
To: Reid, Wendy <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: [EPUB3] Agenda 2020-09-18

A little confused by the date in the title. Since this a w3c meeting, shouldn't dates and time be specified in Boston time? So the meeting is September 17th, and members can adjust to their local time/date. Or we can standardize on a different timezone (warning, this will be confusing), but that timezone should be included in the mail.

Received on Thursday, 17 September 2020 22:44:27 UTC