Re: Question: Should we change the name of the GitHub repo for the EPUB 3 Specification?


Yoichiro Nagao
KODANSHA Co., Ltd.1st Division Vice Director
KODANSHAtech LLC.General Manager
Otowa 2-12-21, Bunyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

2020年10月15日(木) 0:11 Dave Cramer <>:

> Hi Everyone,
> It has been proposed that we change the name of our GitHub repository:
> Current name:
> Proposed new name:
> Please let us know if you have any thoughts about this. You can vote +1 to
> support the change, -1 to oppose the change and keep the old name, or 0 to
> abstain/have no opinion.
> Thanks,
> Dave

Received on Thursday, 15 October 2020 07:37:01 UTC