ARRM in GitHub with previews

Hi ARRMies,

Here is a reminder that your GitHub repository is set up and ready to go:

Here are "previews" of the draft pages:
1. ARRM starting page:
2. Roles page:
3. SC mapping page:
4. Decision Tree placeholder page:

See below for questions on giving you GitHub edit access, suggestions for the requirements analysis/project page before bringing it to EOWG, and offer to show you stuff in GitHub.

Let me know if you need anything else from me for now.


On 10-Feb-21 10:24 AM, Shawn Henry wrote:
> Your GitHub repository is set up and ready to go:

On 08-Feb-21 3:56 PM, Shawn Henry wrote:
> Hi ARRM folks,
> On Wed, Jan 27, 2021 at 3:18 PM Sharron Rush <> wrote:
>> , ... Shawn is setting up the ARRM GitHub repo and will need to know the github handles of everyone who will have write access to the repo. Anyone (even the general public) can comment and submit pull requests, but only assigned people can edit it directly, merge pull requests, etc.
> Reminder of above.


> I went to the Requirements Analysis looking for answers
> However, it's not clear from there.
> It would be good to add some more info - just *quick* rough bullets - to help EOWG get on the same page about primary audiences, use cases, tasks, etc. -- e.g., see:
> *
> *
> *
> (I *think* most people will use the resulting mapping/matrix that we provide, and not go through the effort of customizing their own -- yet I'm not at all sure about that. It would be good to get EOWG's perspectives on that, and then document it in the Requirements Analysis.)

> Best,
> ~Shawn

Received on Friday, 5 March 2021 20:49:03 UTC