Re: EOCred: link to course

Thank you all, I have modified the use case 
as discussed to include assessment and focus more on the link to 
competencies rather than directly to learning resource.

I have also moved the proposal 
for how to link to courses into the main wiki space.

Don't let this stop you from raising any further issues you would like 
to discuss about this aspect of the use case.

All the best, Phil

use case:


On 21/02/18 13:17, Stuart Sutton wrote:
> Phil, I think the refinement to the definition looks good by wrapping 
> in assessment and therefore covering the two primary mechanisms for 
> earning a credential: some form of learning opportunity or assessment 
> of competencies.
> The json-ld encodings for use of educationalCredentialAwarded look 
> good. I ran the examples through the W3C's RDF validator and they 
> generate meaningful graphs (for what that is worth).
> 1. Separate descriptions (aggregated)
> 2. Reversed educationalCredentialAwarded
> ​
> While I understand the desire not to create the inverse property,​ 
> however using @reverse presents a bit of complexity that can confuse...
> --Stuart
> On Wed, Feb 21, 2018 at 2:11 AM, Phil Barker < 
> <>> wrote:
>     Can I ask anyone interested to check this over, please. I think
>     people's attention might still have been on educationalLevel when
>     I posted it. The proposal is essentially that we can link from
>     Course to EOCredential with an already proposed property of
>     Course, schema:educationalCredentialAwarded
>     <> and that
>     we do not need an inverse property to meet the use case of linking
>     EOCredential to Course.  Details below and on the wiki
>     <>
>     All the best, Phil
>     On 14/02/18 14:38, Phil Barker wrote:
>>     Hello all. Two things in this email, first a tweak to a use case
>>     and its requirements, second a proposal to use the
>>     schema:educationalCredentialAwarded
>>     <> property
>>     of Course to relate EducationalOccupationalCredentials to Courses
>>     (without creating a new property as an inverse of that one).
>>     We have a use case relating to secondary search for learning
>>     resources and courses
>>     <>,
>>     that is:
>>         Having found an educational or occupational credential, and
>>         possibly identified the competencies required to obtain that
>>         credential, an individual wants to search for materials,
>>         courses or other things that will help them acquire those
>>         competencies.
>>     The derived requirement is the ability to show relationship
>>     between educational / occupational credential objects and
>>     descriptions or representations of Courses (and maybe other
>>     learning resources)
>>     I think that in the course of our discussions about providing
>>     information about the cost of attaining an educational
>>     occupational credential we came close to solving this.
>>     But first,*I think the use case & requirement need a bit of a
>>     tweak. *On reflection learning resources will be less important,
>>     and we should mention the possibility of finding Assessments. My
>>     thinking on learning resources is that these will be linked to
>>     via common competence requirements / learning objectives. SO, I
>>     would rephrase the use case as:
>>         Having found an educational or occupational credential, and
>>         possibly identified the competencies required to obtain that
>>         credential, an individual wants to search for courses or
>>         assessments that lead to that credential, or other things
>>         that will help them acquire the competencies required.
>>     And I would list the requirements as
>>       * the ability to show relationship between educational /
>>         occupational credentials and descriptions or representations
>>         of Courses
>>       * the ability to show relationship between educational /
>>         occupational credentials and descriptions or representations
>>         of Assessments
>>       * the ability to show relationship between competencies
>>         required for educational / occupational credentials and
>>         descriptions or representations of learning resources
>>     Please let me know whether that seems reasonable.
>>     Proposal for*linking Educational Occupational Credentials to Courses*
>>     I have drafted a proposal
>>     <>
>>     for the first of these based on our discussion of costs
>>     It is based on using the schema:educationalCredentialAwarded
>>     <> property
>>     of Course either in a separate object representing the Course and
>>     linking back to the credential, or using RDFa or JSON-LD syntax
>>     to use this property in reverse.
>>     Please let me know what you think,
>>     Phil
>>     [current usecase]
>>     <>
>>     [draft prosal]
>>     <>
>>     [schema:educationalCredentialAwarded]
>>     <>
>>     -- 
>>     Phil Barker <>.
>>     PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance
>>     learning; information systems for education.
>>     CETIS LLP: a cooperative consultancy for innovation in education
>>     technology.
>>     PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited
>>     company, number SC569282.
>>     CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered
>>     in England number OC399090
>     -- 
>     Phil Barker <>.
>     PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance
>     learning; information systems for education.
>     CETIS LLP: a cooperative consultancy for innovation in education
>     technology.
>     PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited
>     company, number SC569282.
>     CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered
>     in England number OC399090
> -- 
> Stuart A. Sutton, Metadata Consultant
> Associate Professor Emeritus, University of Washington
>    Information School
> Email: <>
> Skype: sasutton


Phil Barker <>.
PJJK Limited <>: technology to enhance learning; 
information systems for education.
CETIS LLP: a cooperative consultancy for innovation in education technology.

PJJK Limited is registered in Scotland as a private limited company, 
number SC569282.
CETIS is a co-operative limited liability partnership, registered in 
England number OC399090

Received on Wednesday, 7 March 2018 14:34:29 UTC