Re: Welcome to the W3C EOCred-schema WG

Hi All,

My name is Richard Wallis.   I am an independent consultant based in the UK
focussing on Linked Data and

I am greatly interested in the extension and enhancement of the
vocabulary, whilst also being closely involved with the support and
development of the website and supporting code.

I chair & co-chair other W3C Groups for Bibliographic data, Archives and
Tourism, plus have been engaged with other groups such as FIBO (Banking &
Finance) and academic courses.   In these involvements I try to bring some
consistency of approach and cross domain experience to the discussions and
eventual proposals.  In addition, having made and helped negotiate several
successful proposals to enhance the vocabulary, I believe I can also bring
some pragmatic understanding.

As you can see from the above, I can not match the in-depth understanding
and experience in the field of Educational and Occupational Credentials
that is apparent in other introductions. That is apart from
the initial discussions of the topic in the Course group with Phil.
However I hope to participative and help where I can.

I will try to attend the initial kick-off call, but I may not be able to
resolve a conflict on that day.


Richard Wallis
Founder, Data Liberate
Twitter: @rjw

On 11 November 2017 at 16:18, Ryan Price <> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I’m Ryan Price, I’m a Senior Engineer at (please note
> there’s a large IT company called Palantir, we are the other one). We work
> with many higher education institutions and professional associations, and
> we incorporate into many of our projects. I started building
> web sites in the early 2000s and looked into ontologies and metadata back
> then, eventually started using Microformats and finally for
> marking up data on pages. I recently worked on the redesign for
> Massachusetts’ government site,, and their open data portal and
> document repository, built on DKAN (which is a Drupal version of CKAN).
> I’m not here in an official capacity from my employer, but I have
> participated in a number of open source communities, and I’m interested in
> following this development and seeing the process in action.
> ++
> Ryan Price
> Senior Engineer
> (773) 645-4100
> Sign up for occasional emails:
> <>
> Follow us on Twitter:
> On Nov 10, 2017, at 2:17 PM, Hugh Paterson III <>
> wrote:
> Greetings,
> My name is Hugh Paterson III... I'm based out of Eugene, OR and I work at SIL International <> (based in Dallas, Tx).
> I am currently a UX analyst attached to SIL's Global Language Program Training unit . At GLPT we develop training materials, synchronize learning objectives across offered training, and evaluate training offered (functioning much like an accreditation agency). We focus mostly on subjects of linguistics and language development. We are contracted by and work with a variety of partners in the NGO world. We facilitate learning events ranging from workshops to formal learning events which are also accredited through Universities. We contract with institutions using SIL learning resources and SIL staff to train (often minority language users) how to do translation, create learning materials in their languages, and do linguistic and cultural analysis on their language(s)/communities.
> Often SIL's HR teams use certificates from the completion of SIL courses to "certify" someone's eligibility to fill an SIL job role... but nearly 400 other NGOs are using these certificates as well. We are looking to expose this system more publicly as we realize that our social contribution is greater than just preparing people to work for our organization. Our hope is to align our competency usage with relevant training providers and OER resources. We realize that we might have some unique contributions, either in terms of competency definition or in terms of open badges, but we do not need to horde these or describe them in an independent manner. So for us a necessary step is to formally describe learning resources through LRMI, describe our courses, and then also related competencies. I get to stand on the shoulders of giants. There have been people in my organization working on producing competencies for 20 years, but some of this work hasn't had benefit for us because we don't have the whole descriptive picture in place - relating learning resources to learning objectives, learning events, and HR competencies.
> I found out about this work because I have lurked on the LRMI list for a few years, and have worked with digital asset management.
> I am looking forward to engaging with this group through the development process.
> all the best,
> - Hugh Paterson III
> On Thu, Nov 9, 2017 at 9:57 PM, Nate Otto <> wrote:
>> Howdy,
>> I'm Nate Otto, director of Open Badges Projects at Concentric Sky in
>> Eugene OR. I'm the lead author of the Open Badges Specification
>> within the IMS Global Open Badges Workgroup
>> and former Interim Director of the Badge Alliance, which was this spec's
>> former standards body. I'm currently in Redmond at IMS's quarterly meeting
>> focusing on the early stage of an effort harmonizing IMS specifications
>> crossing Credentials, Competency Frameworks, Transcripts and Program
>> Completion/Competency Mastery Requirements ("Learning Pathways"). Open
>> Badges is deeply rooted in the vocabulary already and is a
>> broadly used credentialing framework in production across dozens of
>> companies and countries around the world with over 10 million verifiable
>> badges issued. I worked with Credential Engine last year to ensure the CTDL
>> had a good understanding of concepts in use among badge issuers.
>> Looking forward to contributing as this work spins up.
>> Nate Otto
>> Director, Open Badges, Concentric Sky
>> |

Received on Wednesday, 22 November 2017 21:04:49 UTC