Re: Welcome to the W3C EOCred-schema WG


I'm Nate Otto, director of Open Badges Projects at Concentric Sky in Eugene
OR. I'm the lead author of the Open Badges Specification within the IMS Global Open Badges Workgroup and
former Interim Director of the Badge Alliance, which was this spec's former
standards body. I'm currently in Redmond at IMS's quarterly meeting
focusing on the early stage of an effort harmonizing IMS specifications
crossing Credentials, Competency Frameworks, Transcripts and Program
Completion/Competency Mastery Requirements ("Learning Pathways"). Open
Badges is deeply rooted in the vocabulary already and is a
broadly used credentialing framework in production across dozens of
companies and countries around the world with over 10 million verifiable
badges issued. I worked with Credential Engine last year to ensure the CTDL
had a good understanding of concepts in use among badge issuers.

Looking forward to contributing as this work spins up.

Nate Otto
Director, Open Badges, Concentric Sky |

Received on Friday, 10 November 2017 05:57:40 UTC