Re: Eowg meeting

Hi Vivienne,

I was going to email you an update yesterday but I did not get around to it
because of all day meetings.  :(

Thank you for the update.

As we get ready to finish the update/revision of the Developing
Presentations and Training resource, I want to give you a heads up of what
will be needed so that we can be ready to put this in front of the full
group and get sign-off.

Remember based on your feedback we are doing this resource in phases.

   1. The first phase is to update the links (keeping them, updating them,
   or removing them) so that the resource is current. There may be minor
   changes to the content while you did this (like changing a title or other
   sentences), if there are, we will need to give a list of those changes to
   EO so they will be aware of them and see if there are any major concerns -
   probably won't be. This first phase will be what is updated for the
   redesign release.
   2. We need to get the final link updates complete, the list of minor
   changes generated, have Eric or Shawn post the update for EO to look at,
   and bring it to EO hopefully next week???
   3. The second phase is to do any major content updates that may be
   needed, this will take a bit longer because it would require EO thorough
   review and edits. However, work on the second phase can start whenever you
   are so inclined, You have probably already been doing some of it.
   4. And of course, the third phase is long term. Whenever there are new
   resources or updated resources we need to make sure they are added in (or
   back in) to this resource. Your spreadsheet will be extremely valuable for
   tracking that.

Please let us know if you need any help with completing steps 1 and 2 above.

Thank you so much for your excellent and dedicated work.

Brent A. Bakken
Director, Accessibility Strategy & Education Services
512 202 1087

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On Fri, Feb 9, 2018 at 5:05 AM, Vivienne Conway <>

> Please accept my apologies for tonight due to family issues. Making good
> progress in resources and hope to get it all updated this week. Appreciate
> suggestions about removing number of topics in overpage and removing red to
> migration to wcag 2.0 in topics.
> Get Outlook for iOS
> <>

Received on Friday, 9 February 2018 15:41:53 UTC