Re: ra11y matrix project follow up (or whatever it's called this week)

No, not an extended discission at all. Done in 20 minutes or less

On Jun 28, 2018 4:51 PM, "Kelly, Sean" <> wrote:

Hi Shawn,

If I've got this correct, it's not going to be an extended discussion item?

Trying to wrangle my schedule for tomorrow.



On 2018-06-28, 16:37:46, "Shawn Henry" <> wrote:

    Denis and all,


    Please provide the information for the survey, including:
    * Brief context (1-2 sentences) and pointer to the Requirements
    * What you want people to comment on, and what you don't want them to
comment on yet
    * Specific questions to help focus the review

    Info for ideas:
    * Review Stages and Levels:
    -- Is this at the "complete draft" stage?
    * "About this survey" question in
    * "Accessibility Statements" agenda item in <

    On the Friday call, could you also give us a bit of info on how this is
related to and different from the Silver roles list.


    On 6/28/2018 2:11 PM, Sharron Rush wrote:
    > Hi Denis,
    > We can add to the agenda as an FYI and put a questions in tomorrow's
survey to allow people to read and comment during the following week.
    > Thanks for the progress!
    > Best,
    > Sharron
    > On Thu, Jun 28, 2018 at 12:41 PM, Denis Boudreau < <>> wrote:
    >     Good afternoon esteemed friends. :)
    >     As a first draft of our first deliverable with this project on a
framework to define roles in the accessibility lifecycle (1), we'd like to
share our roles definition document (2).
    >     We understand that it's too late to be able to discuss it as part
of this week's agenda, but we'd like to be able to at least bring it to
everyone's attention to start gathering comments and feedback. Maybe have
its review as part of the work for this week, or part of a survey or
    >     I will personally not be able to attend tomorrow's call, as I'm
currently attending a conference and I'll be flying back home tomorrow, but
Bill could talk to the document and quickly introduce it to the working
group if you think it's possible.
    >     Let us know if it can be done. If it's too late, no worries, we
can get back to it next week.
    >     ​(​
    >     1
    >     ​)
    > <>
    >     (2) <>
    >     ​
    >     /Denis
    >     *Denis Boudreau, CPACC* | Principal Accessibility Consultant &
Training Lead | 514-730-9168
    >     Deque Systems - Accessibility for Good
    > <>
    > --
    > Sharron Rush | Executive Director | | @knowbility
    > /Equal access to technology for people with disabilities/

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Received on Thursday, 28 June 2018 22:06:23 UTC