RE: WAI Translations - Language of site nav - talk by phone

Hello all,

Can’t make it tomorrow, going back home. I have begun giving as much feedback as I can on issues and will look at them (+wiki) again in a few days after other input has been added, if it’s OK with you all.

Cordialement / Kind regards
Stéphane Deschamps
Référent accessibilité – Direction Digitale – Expérience et Interface Utilisateur

De : Sylvie Duchateau []
Envoyé : jeudi 25 octobre 2018 09:13
À : Shawn Henry; DESCHAMPS Stephane DMGP/DD; Eric Eggert; Richard Ishida; Dominique Hazaël-Massieux; Victoria Menezes Miller
Cc : Judy Brewer;
Objet : Re: WAI Translations - Language of site nav - talk by phone

Hello Shawn and all,

I would be interested in talking about translations.

I am not available today afternoon as I am giving a conference on the BlendWebMix conf near the TPAC building.

May be I could manage it tomorrow afternoon our time after 3:30.

Otherwise, I am available next week whenever you like.

Have a nice day


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Le 25/10/2018 à 01:34, Shawn Henry a écrit :
Summary: If you have a chance to talk more about WAI Translations while at TPAC, great! If you can loop me in, even better! (ping me in IRC afternoons Europe time)

Big issue right now is having most of the navigation in English on translated pages. When we looked at other options, they all seemed to have negatives (cons) that were pretty much "showstoppers" -- but maybe we missed something?

More info:

At the EOWG meeting Tuesday afternoon, some participants did not like that in the translation mock-up most of the navigation was in English and some was in French. I explored some options (including not having the site-wide navigation on translations), Eric provided more input (showing why that's a bad idea for some users, like him :-), I revised the info and straw proposal, and now it's ready for more input. Analysis of the issue and options is at:

(GitHub issue for more input: <><> )

It would be a little smoother for me if we did the next steps on getting shared understanding by phone and then I can integrate additional info in the wiki. However, if it's easier to send input via e-mail, or edit the wiki, or put in GitHub issues, feel free to do that instead.

In case we can't talk this week and can talk next week, I set up a Doodle poll to try to find a time:

I hope that we'll talk about the nearly-final proposals in the EOWG teleconference on Fri 2 Nov (I'll send a request to eo-plan) -- and finalize the UI proposals right after that.



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