Re: Further edits to Features of evaluation tools

Hi Nic,

Looking good on a quick skim!

In my view, there is room for a little more explanation here and there, 
especially in the listing of features. I think many people are just not 
aware how different tools can be -- for example, we do not talk about 
the educational purpose of some of the tools (such as WAVE or similar).

I'm not sure when I can provide specific editorial suggestions, and do 
not want to hold up your work, so feel free to take this to EOWG. I may 
provide my input as part of the EOWG review, if you decide to do one.


On 05/10/2017 15:44, Nic Steenhout wrote:
> Hello Shadi,
> Please note that I have made further edits as requested by Sharron in
> Knowbility's Slack channel.
> I was asked to pass it on to you for review before it goes to full EO
> review.
> I added a comment to the commit.
> One thing I note is that in the filters on the Tools page, a rubric is
> called "Technology", but the tool features call it "Supported formats".
> This is incongruent and should be rectified to pick only one on that page.
> And the Features page should reflect that change.
> Thank you
> Nic

Shadi Abou-Zahra -
Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist
Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Thursday, 5 October 2017 15:06:51 UTC