- From: Bakken, Brent <brent.bakken@pearson.com>
- Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2017 18:37:14 -0500
- To: "Sinclair, Norah M" <norah.sinclair@amac.gatech.edu>, Sylvie Duchateau <sylvie.duchateau@snv.jussieu.fr>
- Cc: public-eo-archive@w3.org, Shadi Abou-Zahra <shadi@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAE6qf-E0sh7y067EBzx5n95Cd6JFWZyDZqwGe-w3P+j5u=ZeJw@mail.gmail.com>
Hi Norah and Sylvie, Thank you for providing the Editing Plan for the resource and the additional questions. The planning team met this morning to discuss and provide feedback. Sorry for the delay of the response. We had an email listserve issue. Below is a bulleted list of the feedback and recommendations that we would like you to add to you editing plan. *Feedback and recommendations to add to plan emailed below:* - Continue with the editing of the user stories - Going good! - Yes to "Simplify and Tersify" - Yes to "Bullets and Graphics" - Yes to "Front Loaded Action" - Accessibility Principles page -- Resolution was passed that this page will be up a level in the Navigation. It will no longer be a specific sub-page in this resource suite. Please take a pass at seeing what it might need for context since it will be outside of the "How People with Disabilities use the Web" wrapper soon. - Pages re-titled - Resolutions were passed for the following name changes: - "Diversity of Web Users" is now named "Diverse Abilities and Barriers" - "Diversity in Web Use" is now named "Tools and Techniques" - Agree with minor updates to the two pages in previous bullets. Take a pass at light edits on them. Then maybe create GitHub issues for small review team to add comments on what needs to be tweaked on those two pages for final edits. Or you can wait until all is ready for small review team to review all at once. - If you want to recommend graphics for certain areas, please make a list of what is needed and we can send them to the designer to see if they can be created. - Agree to linking to Web Accessibility Perspectives <https://www.w3.org/WAI/perspectives/> videos. Maybe also find a place to link to Tips for Getting Started with Web Accessibility <https://www.w3.org/WAI/gettingstarted/tips/index>. - I (Brent) have reached out to COGA. Their timeline will not align with our launch date, but they will review in the future. I will keep up with them and bring them in at a later date. With this feedback integrated in you plan, it is approved and you are good to go. Please keep up the great work as you go through the edits and work with your review team to get to a final draft. Remember, if you have any questions at all, please reach out to me right away and I will get you what you need to keep moving forward. Please let us know if you have any questions about what we have added. Happy to provide more detail if needed. Thanks, Brent (& Planning Team) Brent A. Bakken Director, Accessibility Strategy & Education Services Pearson 512 202 1087 brent.bakken@pearson.com Learn more at pearson.com [image: Pearson] --------------------------------------- Subject: How People with Disabilities use the Web planned revisions and content questions Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2017 18:58:56 +0000 From: Sinclair, Norah M <norah.sinclair@amac.gatech.edu <norah.sinclair@amac.gatech.edu?Subject=Re%3A%20%5Bftr%5D%20How%20People%20with%20Disabilities%20use%20the%20Web%20planned%20revisions%20and%20%20content%20questions&In-Reply-To=%3C9833aa58-a842-4242-28c2-8c3483e31e24%40w3.org%3E&References=%3C9833aa58-a842-4242-28c2-8c3483e31e24%40w3.org%3E>> Hello Shadi, Sylvie, Brent, Sharron, and Shawn, The resource, “How People with Disabilities Use the Web,” consists of several in-depth pages, including Stories of Web Users, Diversity of Web Users, Diversity in Web Use and Accessibility Principles. The co-editors are seeking to: - Simplify & Tersify — Make content simple and brief. Cut words. Cut Sentences. - Bullets & Graphics — Break up passages into bullets when appropriate. Suggest graphics. - Front-loaded Action — Use active voice, and action statements. We have determined this process is needed for Stories of Web Users and we’ve agreed upon a draft format for the first story, which basically reduces the word count in half while conveying the important content from the original story. The other stories are currently being revised using the same type of approach. To me, the other resources, Diversity of Web Users, Diversity in Web Use and Accessibility Principles may not be in need of the same type of revision (goal of reducing content by 50% or so). The content of these resources (Diversity of Web Users, Diversity in Web Use and Accessibility Principles) is broken up into bullets, and is written using active, action statements. The main revision could be adding graphics or linking to the web perspective videos. What are the thoughts of the co-editors and EO chair review team on this? Would this be a good question to ask the reviewers for their feedback? - https://www.w3.org/WAI/intro/people-use-web/diversity Also, should the Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task Force (Cognitive A11Y TF) be consulted for suggested revisions to section: Examples of cognitive, learning, and neurological disabilities? Thanks very much, Norah *Norah Sinclair * Instructional Technology and User Support Specialist ** AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Research Center Georgia Institute of Technology | College of Design 512 Means Street | Suite 250 | Atlanta, GA 30318 phone 404.894.7432 www.amacusg.org <http://www.amacusg.org/>
Received on Wednesday, 13 September 2017 23:37:45 UTC