Re: How People with Disabilities use the Web planned revisions and content questions

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Brent A. Bakken
Director, Accessibility Strategy & Education Services

512 202 1087

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On Tue, Aug 29, 2017 at 2:43 PM, Sinclair, Norah M <> wrote:

> Hi Brent,
> Thanks for this information. I apologize that I have not sent this out to
> reviewers yet. I was out for a couple of days and am catching up. I am
> working on adding the github issues now.
> Do the following work as github issues to send to the reviewers for
> feedback as you suggested?
> Rename Diversity of Web Users
> Two of the resources that are part of the larger "How People with
> Disabilities Use the Web" resource need to be renamed. On the proposed
> navigation document,  "Diversity of Web Users" is listed as "Diverse
> Abilities and Disabilities". What are the reviewers thoughts on this
> proposed title? Are there other suggestions?
> Rename Diversity in Web Use
> The second resource that is part of "How People with Disabilities Use the
> Web" is currently titled "Diversity in Web Use" and also needs to be
> renamed. On the proposed navigation document, "Diversity in Web Use" is
> listed as "Tools and Techniques People Use". What are the reviewers
> thoughts on this proposed title? Are there other suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Norah
> *Norah Sinclair *
> Instructional Technology and User Support Specialist
> AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Research Center
> Georgia Institute of Technology | College of Design
> 512 Means Street | Suite 250 | Atlanta, GA 30318
> phone 404.894.7432 <(404)%20894-7432>
> ------------------------------
> *From:* Bakken, Brent <>
> *Sent:* Wednesday, August 23, 2017 11:30 AM
> *To:* Sinclair, Norah M
> *Cc:* Shadi Abou-Zahra; Sylvie Duchateau; Sharron Rush;
> *Subject:* Re: How People with Disabilities use the Web planned revisions
> and content questions
> Hi Norah,
> Thank you so much for pulling this recommendation together. Actually, the
> two pages of the resource that you pointed out needing name changes are on
> my list to communicate with you about needing the changes. You beat me to
> it!
> I am glad that you have already put some good thought into the new names.
> We are trying to work through about 5 resources that need to have this
> complete before we start our usability testing of the site redesign
> navigation in mid-September. Because of that, it would be good if you could
> prioritize the task of nailing down the new names for those two pages
> sometime prior to September 8th so we can feed that information to the
> person setting up the site for the usability testing.
> The best way to get started would be to add your recommendation (with a
> short rationale) for each page as a new issue in the resources GitHub
> repository. This will make it easy for you to get feedback. You can just
> add each as a new issue here on the issues page
> <>. Once you have the new
> issues entered for those two pages, you can send out the issue links to the
> full review team (listed below) and ask for quick feedback so that you can
> work up a final recommendation for EO. I would give the review team a
> deadline for feedback so that you receive it sooner rather than later.
> If you do not feel comfortable enough with GitHub to add the issues, Shawn
> mentioned that she would be happy to add them for you. I know you have
> responded to issues previously, so I am assuming that you are okay with
> creating two new ones and sending out the links asking for feedback.
> Let me know if you need any assistance or have any other ideas on this
> topic that I can help you with.
> Review Team:
>    - Shadi -
>    - Sylvie -
>    - James -
>    - Sharron -
>    - Jesús -
>    - Shawn -
> Thanks again for working so diligently on this resource.
> Brent
> Brent A. Bakken
> Director, Accessibility Strategy & Education Services
> Pearson
> 512 202 1087 <(512)%20202-1087>
> Learn more at
> [image: Pearson]
> On Wed, Aug 23, 2017 at 7:54 AM, Sinclair, Norah M <
>> wrote:
>> I apologize that I was not able to complete the survey before it closed
>> yesterday. I agree that the names of the resources, Diversity of Web
>> Users, Diversity in Web Use should be changed. The proposed revised titles, [Diverse
>> Abilities and Disabilities] and [Tools and Techniques People Use] look
>> like better options. I had not seen that information previously.
>> *Norah Sinclair *
>> Instructional Technology and User Support Specialist
>> AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Research Center
>> Georgia Institute of Technology | College of Design
>> 512 Means Street | Suite 250 | Atlanta, GA 30318
>> phone 404.894.7432 <(404)%20894-7432>
>> ------------------------------
>> *From:* Shadi Abou-Zahra <>
>> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 22, 2017 4:06 PM
>> *To:* Sinclair, Norah M; Sylvie Duchateau; Bakken, Brent; Sharron Rush;
>> *Subject:* Re: How People with Disabilities use the Web planned
>> revisions and content questions
>> Hi Norah,
>> I agree that the other sections are more concise and have an active
>> tone. I recall Sharron still had some concerns, especially with the
>> principles page. I think it may be the current one-page presentation
>> that is creating this perceived wall of text, so maybe your idea of
>> adding graphics could help. I also don't know how the new WAI design
>> addresses these types of pages in terms of information architecture.
>> As to contacting CoGa, they already have been contacted maybe over a
>> year ago meanwhile. While terminology and technology has moved most
>> significantly in this area, I think also the other sections have aged
>> and should probably be looked over by relevant experts. Not sure how
>> this should be best approached, though. Maybe the chairs have ideas.
>> Best,
>>    Shadi
>> On 22/08/2017 20:58, Sinclair, Norah M wrote:
>> > Hello Shadi, Sylvie, Brent, Sharron, and Shawn,
>> >
>> > The resource, “How People with Disabilities Use the Web,” consists of
>> several in-depth pages, including Stories of Web Users, Diversity of Web
>> Users, Diversity in Web Use and Accessibility Principles. The co-editors
>> are seeking to:
>> > • Simplify & Tersify — Make content simple and brief. Cut words. Cut
>> Sentences.
>> > • Bullets & Graphics — Break up passages into bullets when appropriate.
>> Suggest graphics.
>> > • Front-loaded Action — Use active voice, and action statements.
>> >
>> > We have determined this process is needed for Stories of Web Users and
>> we’ve agreed upon a draft format for the first story, which basically
>> reduces the word count in half while conveying the important content from
>> the original story. The other stories are currently being revised using the
>> same type of approach.
>> >
>> > To me, the other resources, Diversity of Web Users, Diversity in Web
>> Use and Accessibility Principles may not be in need of the same type of
>> revision (goal of reducing content by 50% or so).  The content of these
>> resources (Diversity of Web Users, Diversity in Web Use and Accessibility
>> Principles) is broken up into bullets, and is written using active, action
>> statements. The main revision could be adding graphics or linking to the
>> web perspective videos. What are the thoughts of the co-editors and EO
>> chair review team on this? Would this be a good question to ask the
>> reviewers for their feedback?
>> >
>> > Also, should the Cognitive and Learning Disabilities Accessibility Task
>> Force (Cognitive A11Y TF) be consulted for suggested revisions to section:
>> Examples of cognitive, learning, and neurological disabilities?
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > Thanks very much,
>> > Norah
>> >
>> > Norah Sinclair
>> > Instructional Technology and User Support Specialist
>> >
>> > AMAC Accessibility Solutions and Research Center
>> > Georgia Institute of Technology | College of Design
>> > 512 Means Street | Suite 250 | Atlanta, GA 30318
>> >
>> > phone 404.894.7432 <(404)%20894-7432>
>> ><>
>> >
>> --
>> Shadi Abou-Zahra -
>> Accessibility Strategy and Technology Specialist
>> Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
>> World Wide Web Consortium (W3C)

Received on Wednesday, 30 August 2017 14:08:00 UTC