Re: Paola Di Maio

Thanks for reply

I dont understand it <g>

I am a member of the open gov, public emergency and AI KR
since I work in all the three lines, as well as others

You said you rceived an invitation link, from whom?

Dear participants of the W3C Community Groups,

Please fill in the form below if your Community Group wants to meeting
during TPAC2019, before *12 April 2019*:

because I am a CG chair and my groups has not received it I dont think
this versioning of reality is related to a governance AI issue, afaik <g>

the invitation looks like directed tall CG not just open gov or emergency
is that right?

If I come to Japan, I may of course participate in the meetings held by the
community groups
I am still a memebr of to figure out what is everyone been up to amd say hi

 AI KR is of relevance to most things on the web, especially governance and
in the sense of serving the public administration

 I dont know what you are talking about in the rest of your emails
*in the sense that I dont know who wears suits or works for the governments
all over the world

more reply inline

Long time ! AI communities may be consumers of legislative information
formats during their data collection and processing activities.

AI KR is about developing open standards (since we are doing it on w3c) KR
for AI, which is applicable to all sectors
 have not seen many consumers in our CG so far  but we are all citizens we
arell technologists so,

Certainly, if your community directly uses open government formats, or even
has some remote practical interest , then I suppose you'll be invited to
share the beige-colored e-flyer the open gov leadership will have cleared
for dissemination.

who is the open gov leadership?  have not seen much activity on the open
gov mailing list (unless I missed it entirley which is possible)    AI KR
is  part of open governance in the sense of developing representation for
explainable AI etc
which power all systems especially public administration AI etc

 As this is a community event, there's a fairly good chance the event is
"what we make of it". And as for open gov, yeah, i do think it's mature
enough for a successful meeting. I mean who does want open gov contributors
in the same room talking to officials from all over the world?

I dont understand this, the invitation you shared seems directed ALL W3C
not just open gov -

hope to meet in Fukuoka if I am in Asia at the time
its a lovely city, I was there recently and only a short flight away from
my current location
(may or may not be the case in Sept)

Warm Regards,


On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 9:23 PM Joseph Pollack <> wrote:

> Dear Paola,
> Long time ! AI communities may be consumers of legislative information
> formats during their data collection and processing activities. Certainly,
> if your community directly uses open government formats, or even has some
> remote practical interest , then I suppose you'll be invited to share the
> beige-colored e-flyer the open gov leadership will have cleared for
> dissemination. As this is a community event, there's a fairly good chance
> the event is "what we make of it". And as for open gov, yeah, i do think
> it's mature enough for a successful meeting. I mean who does want open gov
> contributors in the same room talking to officials from all over the world?
> Warm Regards,
> -Joseph.
> On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 3:13 PM Paola Di Maio <>
> wrote:
>> Thank you Joseph
>> On second thoughts, I may be able to do Japan in September
>> But, how can I extend this good idea to AK KR CG?
>> On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 9:09 PM Joseph Pollack <
>>> wrote:
>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>> Specifically, at the information required is :
>>>    - how many meetings we want
>>>    - how many attendees do we expect (30?)
>>>    - a time slot
>>> I really think we should intervene here, wds ?
>>> Warm Regards,
>>> -Joseph.
>>> 1. Proposed Technical Plenary/AC Meetings Week, 16-20 September 2019
>>> This year again, the W3C Community Groups will have the opportunity to
>>> meet at the upcoming W3C TPAC  <>, held
>>> in *Fukuoka, Japan, 16-20 September 2019*.
>>> W3C Community Groups can hold 2-hour meetings on Monday, Tuesday,
>>> Thursday, Friday. The available slots will be:
>>> 8:30 - 10:30
>>> 10:30 - 12:30
>>> 13:30 - 15:30
>>> 15:30 - 17:30
>>> We can accommodate 4 meetings per day, so 16 over the entire TPAC week.
>>> The meeting room can accommodate 20 persons, classroom style, equipped
>>> with a screen and video projector.
>>> Outside of their Community Group meetings, non W3C-Member CG
>>> participants may attend as observers the Working and Interest groups
>>> meetings who accept observers, as well as the Technical Plenary Day will be
>>> held on 18 September from 08:30-18:00.
>>> Registration fees: A daily fee will help offset wifi, audio visual, and
>>> food and beverage costs for this event.
>>> Please discuss within your group if you would like to meet.
>>> Please complete this form on *12 April at the latest* to indicate if
>>> your Group would like to meet at TPAC2019 as outlined below and how many of
>>> your group will likely attend.
>>> The draft schedule of Community Groups meetings will be sent on 24
>>> April. You will have the possibility to review the information and let us
>>> know your questions and comments on 2 May at the latest.
>>> 2. Name of your Group:
>>> If your Community Group would like to meet during TPAC 2019, what is the
>>> name of your group?
>>> *Note: Fill out this questionnaire once. If you want to give information
>>> for several Groups, please do so in the Comment box. Alternately, appoint
>>> someone else from one of your Groups to answer the questionnaire.*
>>> Community Group name:
>>> 3. Attendance:
>>> What is the estimated number of people in your Group who will attend
>>> your F2F meeting?
>>> *Please be reminded that the maximum number of people is 20*
>>> Reply:
>>> 4. Day preference:
>>> Please let us know your day preference
>>> *We will do our best to provide you with your preferred days but cannot
>>> make any guarantees.*
>>> Choose one Monday 16 September Tuesday 17 September Thursday 19
>>> September Friday 20 September
>>> Comments:
>>> 5. Slot preference
>>> Please let us know your slot preference
>>> *We will do our best to provide you with your preferred days but cannot
>>> make any guarantees.*
>>> 8:30 - 10:30 10:30 - 12:30 13:30 - 15:30 15:30 - 17:30
>>> Comments:
>>> This questionnaire is open for answers until 23:59, Boston time on
>>> 2019-04-12.
>>> <> Answers
>>> received after that time m
>>> On Sun, Apr 7, 2019 at 10:31 AM Joseph Pollack <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>>> Just received the email below, and I do think it makes sense to have a
>>>> 5 year's on in-person meeting at TPA. Let's do this !
>>>> Warm regards,
>>>> -Joseph.
>>>> Dear participants of the W3C Community Groups,
>>>> Please fill in the form below if your Community Group wants to meeting
>>>> during TPAC2019, before *12 April 2019*:

Received on Sunday, 7 April 2019 13:46:09 UTC