Work Item proposal

Hi All,

Based on the Mission statement draft [1] I have had a discussion with Tomi 
and Carsten on how to proceed.

One of the items is to engage with practitioners and if possible get them 
on board of this group.
This has failed until now, mainly because not too many people have the 
connections in that community.
The problem is that I do have the connections, but I have no value 
proposition to offer right now.

What the practitioners dealing with emergency information currently look 
for the most is a 'body'
that gives some very basic advice on standards of semantic 

a) What vocabulary to use for:
- Definitions
- Locations, both geo and addresses
- Metadata
- Event description
( In no way do I intend to lead development of any of these, just 
connecting them would work )

b) best practices for publishing multilingual information

c) what technology / api to make available ( TTL / JSON-LD / Linked Data 
Platform )

Although its very likely we will point to work from others ( GLD-WG 
LOCADD-WG, SKOS, DWBP-WG etc. etc. )
Having a formal reference list somewhere is a good start, and probably 
easy to assemble to have first deliverable.

The very basics of this will work in large scale incidents / disasters as 

Is this something we can work with ?


Met Vriendelijke Groet / With Kind Regards
Bart van Leeuwen

# twitter: @semanticfire
# Enschedepad 76
# 1324 GJ Almere
# The Netherlands
# tel. +31(0)36-5347479

Received on Thursday, 24 April 2014 19:48:31 UTC