- From: Daniel Link <daniel.link@wi.uni-muenster.de>
- Date: Wed, 2 Oct 2013 13:26:09 +0200
- To: "public-emergency@w3.org" <public-emergency@w3.org>
Dear all, Following Sigi's good example, kindly let me compliment the work that all of you are doing in this group, and also shortly introduce myself. At the European Research Center for Information Systems/University of Münster, I have started working in the topic area of crisis management in 2011, e.g. through supporting the Humanitarian Logistics Council of the Germany-based logistics association BVL International. One project that I have been fortunate to work on is "GDACSmobile", an IT solution including a mobile app collecting volunteered geographic information. It was in this context that I got to know Tomi and Carsten. My current work focusses on the connection between process and resource models for humanitarian logistics, which also aims to inform the development of highly needed data exchange standards for humanitarian logistics - something that will hopefully be a valuable contribution to this group. Looking forward to the call! Best wishes Daniel PS: If you want to find out more about the specific (sub)domain humanitarian logistics, don't miss the book "Managing Humanitarian Supply Chains - Strategies, Practices and Research" with contributions from renowned practitioners and researchers alike - due for publication on the International Supply Chain Conference at the end of October. -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht----- Von: Kluckner Sigmund [mailto:Sigmund.Kluckner@ait.ac.at] Gesendet: Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013 17:11 An: public-emergency@w3.org Betreff: Introduction Dear all, I have been lurking around on this list for a little, and finally found the time and more importantly the need to also introduce myself, following up your request from months ago :-) I have been working in the field of information systems in crisis management for the last 2+ years, trying to get a hold of projects, tools, ideas and standards in the area. I have done this at the University of Stuttgart and the Fraunhofer IAO (hi Thomas!), and have now transitioned to Vienna to continue working on the subject at AIT Austrian Institute of Technology. Here, I will be responsible and working on two projects dealing with several layers of interoperability issues in crisis management systems, which is why I am highly interested in joining you guys more closely and hoping to be able to contribute from a personal and a project perspective. I will also try to be on the call tomorrow if my schedule allows so. All the best and thanks already to the chairs and others for the work and effort that you put into the group already! Sigi. -- Sigmund Kluckner Safety & Security Department, Information Management AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH sigmund.kluckner@ait.ac.at | T +43 50550-2873 | www.ait..ac.at
Received on Wednesday, 2 October 2013 21:09:01 UTC