Community group work items

Dear all,

Bart, Tomi and myself have been discussing potential work items for
the group over the last couple of days. Here's a pleminary list that
we would like to put up for discussion:

* Overview of existing ontologies, vocabularies (based on results of
Disaster 2.0 project)
* Discussion about required level of formalization (SKOS, RDFS,
different OWL profiles)
* Brainstrom about use cases where reasoning capabilities are required
* Guidelines for alignment between existing ontologies
* Thinking outside the box: looking at standards in the domain and
data sources that are important to "talk to" (such as OGC services),
but that are not based on semweb tech
* Get in touch with maintainers of important reference lists in the
domain to help them publish the lists in more reusable forms
* adaption of existing workflows: how to make the move to semweb tech
for an organization as smooth as possible (this is not an emergency
information specific item, though)
* reflect on the specific requirements of emergency information,
especially timeliness – how well can we actually deal with that?
* Collect existing use cases of SW tech in emergency management (HXL,
IATI, MOAC, …) and assess impact
* Identify and prioritize gaps: what specific requirements does
emergency management have concerning semantic annotations, and which
of these are not met by existing vocabularies yet?
* Complexity of the models and vocabularies; assessment of the
usability — how much effort is needed to quickly utilize such valuable
information management resources
* Communicating about and listing the availability of existing
datasets about disasters
* Discussing scenarios for use of the data

If you think that anything is missing or that any of the items should
not be in the scope of this group, please let us know. We have also
copied the list on the wiki [1], so if you make any changes, please do
it there.

Since the summer break is coming up, we would like to leave us some
time to discuss and prioritize these items until July 19. After that
deadline, these items should be the basis for the further work of the



Received on Tuesday, 18 June 2013 10:27:52 UTC