Re: Community group work items

That's a really good point, Eva. It would be great if one of them
could join the group. EDXL was on my personal list anyway, I'll add it
to the wiki page.

- Carsten

On Thu, Jul 4, 2013 at 9:25 AM, Eva Blomqvist <> wrote:
> Hi!
> With respect to the following item:
> * Thinking outside the box: looking at standards in the domain and
> data sources that are important to "talk to" (such as OGC services),
> but that are not based on semweb tech
> I have previously worked with people from the US navy and other US
> organizations (in the context of W3C activities), who are also heavily
> involved in the OASIS standardization activity that develops the EDXL
> messaging standard (XML-based) for exchanging emergency information:
> Several of them were really interested to explore the potential of Sem Web
> technologies for extending EDXL. This could be one thing to look into. I
> have also sent them the link to this community group, so perhaps they will
> join us.
> Cheers,
> Eva
> On 18/6/2013 12:27 , Carsten Keßler wrote:
>> Dear all,
>> Bart, Tomi and myself have been discussing potential work items for
>> the group over the last couple of days. Here's a pleminary list that
>> we would like to put up for discussion:
>> * Overview of existing ontologies, vocabularies (based on results of
>> Disaster 2.0 project)
>> * Discussion about required level of formalization (SKOS, RDFS,
>> different OWL profiles)
>> * Brainstrom about use cases where reasoning capabilities are required
>> * Guidelines for alignment between existing ontologies
>> * Thinking outside the box: looking at standards in the domain and
>> data sources that are important to "talk to" (such as OGC services),
>> but that are not based on semweb tech
>> * Get in touch with maintainers of important reference lists in the
>> domain to help them publish the lists in more reusable forms
>> * adaption of existing workflows: how to make the move to semweb tech
>> for an organization as smooth as possible (this is not an emergency
>> information specific item, though)
>> * reflect on the specific requirements of emergency information,
>> especially timeliness – how well can we actually deal with that?
>> * Collect existing use cases of SW tech in emergency management (HXL,
>> IATI, MOAC, …) and assess impact
>> * Identify and prioritize gaps: what specific requirements does
>> emergency management have concerning semantic annotations, and which
>> of these are not met by existing vocabularies yet?
>> * Complexity of the models and vocabularies; assessment of the
>> usability — how much effort is needed to quickly utilize such valuable
>> information management resources
>> * Communicating about and listing the availability of existing
>> datasets about disasters
>> * Discussing scenarios for use of the data
>> If you think that anything is missing or that any of the items should
>> not be in the scope of this group, please let us know. We have also
>> copied the list on the wiki [1], so if you make any changes, please do
>> it there.
>> Since the summer break is coming up, we would like to leave us some
>> time to discuss and prioritize these items until July 19. After that
>> deadline, these items should be the basis for the further work of the
>> group.
>> Cheers,
>> Carsten
>> [1]

Received on Thursday, 4 July 2013 08:17:56 UTC