Just published: First Public Working Drafts

Yesterday and earlier in the week the i18n WG published 21 gap-analysis 
docs and 3 requirements docs as FPWD.  This means that we can now point 
to the www.org/TR/ documents when referring to information, rather than 
to the Editor's Drafts.

FPWD is, of course, only the beginning of the process rather than an 
end-point, so thank you very much for your contributions so far, but 
please do continue to help us build up this information and ensure that 
the Web supports languages around the world.

Twitter announcements:

Blog posts:

I'm in the process of setting up echidna publishing for all these 
documents, so that we can keep them in synch with the ED regularly.

And finally,  we published a FPWD of 'Simple Ruby' this week, too. The 
tweet is:

all the best, and thanks again for your contributions,

Received on Wednesday, 17 June 2020 15:20:34 UTC