Call for Papers: Decision Support Systems, Analytics and Technologies for Voters

Call for Papers: Decision Support Systems, Analytics and Technologies for Voters

The 2021 International Conference on Decision Support Systems Technology (ICDSST) will be in Loughborough, UK, May 26th to May 28th.

At this conference, there will be a 60 – 90 minute special session on the topics of decision support systems, analytics and technologies for voters. This special session will shape the scholarly and scientific discussion on these topics for years to come.

Five presenters are needed to present on their full papers, short papers, or posters during the special session. Each presentation is expected to be about 15 minutes in duration.

Full papers should be 11-13 pages long using LNBIP template<> from Springer<> by following “Instructions for Authors”. The Latex version of the LNBIP template can be downloaded from here<>, while the MS Word version of the LNBIP template can be downloaded from here<>.

Short papers should have up to 6 pages and should use the Short-Paper ICDSST 2021 Template (Linked here: ICDSST-2021-short-paper-template<>).

Posters should use the Poster ICDSST 2021 Template, which is set up to yield a 70 cm x 100 cm vertical poster. (Template linked here: ICDSST2021-Poster-Template<>). Printing of Posters for exhibition on the Conference Hall, will be at the responsibility of their own authors.

Accepted submissions will either be published in the Springer LNBIP Book (long papers) or in the ICDSST 2021 Online Conference Proceedings (short papers and posters).

Submissions: All papers and posters should be submitted to the ICDSST 2021 via the following EasyChair account: .

Deadlines for Submissions:

Submission of full papers: 30 November 2020
Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2021
Camera ready version: 28 February 2021

Submission of short papers: 1 March 2021
Notification of acceptance: 9 April 2021
Camera ready version: 20 April 2021

Submission of posters: 15 March 2021
Notification of acceptance: 9 April 2021
Camera ready version: 20 April 2021

Suggested paper topics (but not limited to):

  1.  Computer-assisted voting preparation and decision support systems technology.
  2.  The psychology and sociology of voter information gathering, sharing, and decision-making.
  3.  The measurement and analysis of voters’ search behaviors and decision-making strategies.
  4.  The advancement of information search and retrieval as relevant to candidates and issues.
  5.  The mitigation of misinformation and disinformation.
  6.  The mitigation of cognitive biases.
  7.  Personalized news recommendation systems.
  8.  Cognitive amplification and collective intelligence.
  9.  Decision support for large-scale group decision-making.
  10. Domain-independent decision-making support, e.g. for election issues.
  11. “Decision flow” diagrams and the authoring, sharing and crowdsourcing of such diagrams.
  12. Enhancing the machine-utilizability of and processing of Web content from: government websites, the websites of political parties and candidates, candidates’ platforms, news articles, interviews, panel discussions, debates, debate coverage and analysis, fact-checking, editorials, letters to the editor, expert content and encyclopedia articles.
  13. Applications of artificial intelligence to decision support systems, analytics, and technologies for voters.
  14. Recommendations for new or existing software applications, services, or systems.
  15. Any other topics relevant to decision support systems, analytics, and technology for voters.

Adam Sobieski, Session Chair (<>)

Received on Monday, 14 September 2020 13:14:16 UTC