- From: Steven Clift <clift@e-democracy.org>
- Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2014 11:29:09 -0500
- To: OGP Civil Society group <ogp@dgroups.org>, "open-government@lists.okfn.org" <open-government@lists.okfn.org>, Open Knowledge Foundation discussion list <okfn-discuss@lists.okfn.org>, "ninja-talk@groups.open.org.nz" <ninja-talk@groups.open.org.nz>, "A List for Open Knowledge Networks in Australia." <okfn-au@lists.okfn.org>, eGovIG IG <public-egov-ig@w3.org>
Code for America is putting together one of the world's signature open government and civic technology conferences: http://bit.ly/cfasummit2014 If you are considering attending, I encourage you to do so. Tickets are still available. During the event, catch the buzz on Twitter #cfasummit: http://bit.ly/cfasummittwitter Since many of you are oceans away, they do have an awesome free archive of 62 speeches from 2013 here: http://bit.ly/cfasummit2013video http://bit.ly/cfasummit2013videobyviews (most popular) They will also live webcast their main stage speeches during waking hours from the Americas to East Asia and the Australia/New Zealand (IF you get up early and remember to add a day when you put on your calendar). Webcast time zone converted (starts 2:30 pm Pacific time, Tue Sept 23. then 1:30 pm day two and three): http://bit.ly/cfawebcastday1worldtime http://bit.ly/cfawebcastday2worldtime http://bit.ly/cfawebcastday3worldtime Their agenda includes a number of great speeches, some snappy "ignite" presentations, and ample time for "unconference" style sessions. I'll definitely be participating with Tom Steinberg from mySociety and Chia-liang Kao of g0v.tw in an unconference session on re-usable civic tech components ( http://Poplus.org ). * Bonus Pre-event Networking Gathering For my Democracies Online Newswire and Open Government and Civic Technology Facebook Group members, invite you to RSVP for an informal networking lunch at Noon on Tuesday, September 23 somewhere near the conference location. RSVP here: https://www.facebook.com/events/794135137294265/ More During the conference, if you'd like to connect with me one on one to explore opportunities and big ideas with civic tech, I am adding new and interesting projects to my consulting mix through E-Democracy or directly. See: https://www.linkedin.com/in/netclift http://e-democracy.org/services Join the Democracies Online Newswire from: http://dowire.org Be the 2000th member of the Open Government and Civic Technology Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/opengovgroup/ Steven Clift - http://stevenclift.com Executive Director - http://E-Democracy.org Twitter: http://twitter.com/democracy Tel/Text: +1.612.234.7072 ᐧ ᐧ
Received on Monday, 8 September 2014 16:29:38 UTC