- From: Steven Clift <clift@e-democracy.org>
- Date: Fri, 30 May 2014 08:46:01 -0500
- To: newswire <newswire@groups.dowire.org>, brigade <brigade@codeforamerica.org>, "open-government@lists.okfn.org" <open-government@lists.okfn.org>, OGP Civil Society group <ogp@dgroups.org>, NCDD-DISCUSSION@lists.thataway.org, eGovIG IG <public-egov-ig@w3.org>, poplus <poplus@googlegroups.com>
Just started now! All the key links to tune in virtually: 1. Webcast - Direct at YouTube: http://bit.ly/tcamp14webcast Also embedded at http://transparencycamp.org 2. Session Notes http://transparencycamp.org/schedule/2014/ Embedded note pads are on each session page. 3. Reach newer global crowd via Open Gov Facebook Group - TCamp topic: http://bit.ly/opengovtcampfacebook 4. Twitter #tcamp14: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23tcamp14&src=typd Bonus, keep watch #hackforchange through the weekend: https://twitter.com/search?q=%23hackforchange&src=typd http://hackforchange.org And join our #codefind virtual help experiment: http://bit.ly/codefind Steven Clift - http://stevenclift.com Executive Director - http://E-Democracy.org Twitter: http://twitter.com/democracy Tel/Text: +1.612.234.7072 ᐧ
Received on Friday, 30 May 2014 13:46:32 UTC