- From: Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com>
- Date: Sat, 19 Jan 2013 09:16:30 -0800 (PST)
- To: "eGov IG \(Public\)" <public-egov-ig@w3.org>
- Cc: Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net>
- Message-ID: <1358615790.65444.YahooMailNeo@web122903.mail.ne1.yahoo.com>
re: Sharing NOAA Dog Food with the Census Bureau and the LOC The Census has an API[1] for population demographics as well as the Gazetteer[2] for rough statistics. NOAA has Weather Forecasts[3], Observation Stations at Airports[4]. Every time you access these sources, you get useful extra "discovery". For example, a Weather Report (in XML) shows the Time Zone in effect and the nearest Airport and you can get a Weather Report with the Latitude and Longitude in the Gazetteer, to match a State Identifier in the LOC Linked Data servers[5]. And if you have a Time Zone you can go back to NOAA for Sunrise/Sunset data[6] and on and on ... --Gannon [1] http://www.census.gov/developers/ [2] http://www.census.gov/geo/www/gazetteer/gazetteer2010.html [3] http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?lat=38.89&lon=-77.02&FcstType=dwml (example) [4]http://w1.weather.gov/xml/current_obs/index.xml [5] http://id.loc.gov/ [6] http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/grad/solcalc/calcdetails.html ________________________________ From: Andre Cusson <acusson@01COMMUNICATIONS.com> To: Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net> Sent: Friday, January 18, 2013 7:18 PM Subject: Re: NOAA & StratML Hi Owen, Everyone, The NOAA2010 StratML document has been converted to StratML Part2 as well as added and rendered to its respective Web site (1085+) on the StratML portal, at http://stratml.hyperbase.com/NOAA2010.html As usual, all StratML documents are also available for editing, in preloaded StratML Part2 forms, from the "Edit" link beside the corresponding entry in the alphabetical StratML document list at http://stratml.hyperbase.com/documents.html. The other StratML portal indexes have also been updated accordingly, as well as the stakeholders and statistics pages, respectively at http://stratml.hyperbase.com/stakeholders.html http://stratml.hyperbase.com/statistics.html Regards, Andre Cusson 514 583 0601 01 COMMUNICATIONS >Dear Webmaster at NOAA, Gannon Dick’s message prompted me to convert to StratML format NOAA’s Next-Generation Strategic Plan, for inclusion in our collection at http://xml.fido.gov/stratml/drybridge/index.htm#NOAA or, more specifically, http://xml.fido.gov/stratml/carmel/NOAA2010wStyle.xml > >The vision of the StratML standard (ANSI/AIIM 21:2009 & 22:2011) is: A worldwide web of intentions, stakeholders, and results. Its more explicit purposes are outlined at http://xml.fido.gov/stratml/index.htm#DefinitionPurposes > >As you may know, section 10 of the GPRA Modernization Act (GPRAMA) requires agencies to publish their strategic and performance plans and reports in machine-readable format, like StratML. In addition, clauses 202(b)(4) & (5) of the eGov Act require agencies to work together to link their performance goals to key groups, including citizens, businesses, and other governments, as well as internal Federal Government operations. > >NOAA has done a pretty good job of indentifying its stakeholders and particularly its partners. Now they are documented in open, standard, machine-readable StratML format. It will be good when partnering organizations are cross-referencing their complementary objectives and performance indicators in their respective plans and reports. The stratml:Relationship element can be used to document such relationships. > >If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please let me know. > >Owen Ambur >Chair, AIIM StratML Committee >Co-Chair Emeritus, xml.gov CoP >Communications/Membership Director, FIRM >Former Project Manager, ET.gov >Invited Expert, W3C eGov IG > > >From:Gannon Dick [mailto:gannon_dick@yahoo.com] >Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 12:59 PM >To: Andre Cusson; Owen Ambur >Cc: 'Joe Carmel' >Subject: Weather > > > >I was updating my Weather access and discovered that the National Weather Service has the same HTML Entity problem that Andre and Joe fix with XSLT. > >In particular, I have an old friend in Ponce, PR and the Spanish version of the forecast fails with the diacritic in MLK Day > >in FireFox: <start-valid-time period-name="Día de M.L.King">2013-01-21T06:00:00-04:00</start-valid-time> > >from: http://www.rustprivacy.org/2013/egov/penserv/get-ichar.html "iacute" = &x0026;#x00ED; > > > > > >The forecast is: >http://forecast.weather.gov/MapClick.php?CityName=Ponce&state=PR&site=SJU&textField1=17.9871&textField2=-66.6091&e=1&FcstType=dwml&lg=sp > >Maybe you want to do them a favour and point out the bug with a StratML sales pitch :-) > >--Gannon > >
Received on Saturday, 19 January 2013 17:16:59 UTC