- From: Owen Ambur <Owen.Ambur@verizon.net>
- Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2012 23:11:50 -0400
- To: <public-egov-ig@w3.org>
"Is it really clear ... what their agenda really is?" Pardon me for sounding like a broken record but, to me, that is yet another statement of the need for an open, standard, machine-readable format like StratML for the expression of plans and reporting of results. http://xml.gov/stratml/index.htm Shirky may sound like a visionary to some but to me he is talking about paving the tired, old cow path of trying to gain the upper hand, politically speaking, to enforce the will of the majority upon the minority (by crowdsourcing the drafting of legislation) ... even if the "minority" constitutes as much as 49.9% of the electorate (or even 100% of those who will be required to provide the money). In a more mature (business-quality) stage of "social" networking, it seems to me that we should be able to do far better than that -- by joining more efficiently together with those who share our values to apply *our own time, effort, and resources* to more effectively accomplish objectives we hold in common. It seems to me that we already have far too many laws and regulations and far too little performance and results... and that Einstein's definition of insanity applies. Owen Ambur Co-Chair, AIIM StratML Committee Co-Chair Emeritus, xml.gov CoP Communications/Membership Director, FIRM Former Project Manager, ET.gov Invited Expert, W3C eGov IG -----Original Message----- From: Sandro Hawke [mailto:sandro@w3.org] Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 8:35 PM To: public-egov-ig@w3.org Subject: Re: Clay Shirky: How the Internet will (one day) transform government [deleted] Is it really clear in an Open Source project who is motivating a particular patch, or funding it, or what their agenda really is? I don't think so. (Yes, it's clear who is putting it forward, but that's about it. There aren't a lot of cases where the person who puts it forward has a non-obvious motivation, but I'm pretty sure it's happened a few times.) I do think it's important that drafts of legislation be circulated in machine readable form so people can compute diffs and more easily review the changes, but that seems pretty trivial compared to what Shirky is proposing, and perhaps is already done. Frankly, working in the sphere of W3C spec writing, which is vastly smaller in all ways than legislation, I don't even know how to make git or github that useful. I have some ideas for how to make the concentric circles of review easier to manage, but they're kind of novel and people don't seem very interested. -- Sandro [deleted]
Received on Thursday, 11 October 2012 03:12:39 UTC