- From: Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 8 May 2012 12:49:13 +0100
- To: Mick Phythian <mick.phythian@gmail.com>
- Cc: "eGov IG (Public)" <public-egov-ig@w3.org>
- Message-ID: <CAMXe=Sq5o2RX+E=XBiSUgGVD-o2GpvdWR0QpuyMbuEgvoRwNbA@mail.gmail.com>
Thank you Mick for your support! This is why stakeholder analysis could be useful (another suggestion that has not yet been operationalised) Technically, and scientifically, definitions are of primary importance - those of us with a background in systems and ontology can see that perhaps more clearly. Because they set the boundary for everything that follows. Generalisation is good, as it allows ubiquity which is a desirable quality when designing systems. Technology should be politically agnostic. I support that. But up to a point. When I can see technology being designed to deliberatelly enable the violation of civil liberties and human rights, I exercise my option to either make a difference, or step out. Call it conscience objection. Civil servants and employees have to swallow up a great deal to get where they are, very few can say what they think, especially on list, if being on a mailing list is part of their job brief. Given the current global political climate, the exacerbation of conflicts, and the total confusion and lack of principles that can guide technology development, the risks associated with not making crisp, radical ontological choices to guide technology development from the start are ever so crystal to me. If the the IG definition of e-Governance is not clearcut enough, I dont like to envisage what ethical deviations could emanate from our activity in ten, twenty years time. Just a few more two cents to animate the debates :-) PDM
Received on Tuesday, 8 May 2012 11:49:46 UTC