- From: Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com>
- Date: Tue, 1 May 2012 14:36:38 +0100
- To: Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com>
- Cc: "eGov IG (Public)" <public-egov-ig@w3.org>
Gannon (sorry for the display of ignorance) realised maybe your request for feedback was addressed only to those whose browsers can read ttl files (looking for such an app, suggestions?) I did eventually came back to me that ttl stands for turtle but i cant remember what software I should have installed (I am sure I could stretch there given enough time). hints? opened it with notepad and still cannot make sense of whats in it. looks like some mappings? if you'd like feedback from someone who may not be familiar with ttl perhaps you care to add some notation/comments and some instructions on what to do with the file cheers PDM @prefix map: <d2r-mappings/rule.of.law.ttl#> . @prefix db: <> . @prefix vocab: <http://localhost:2020/vocab/resource/> . @prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#> . @prefix rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#> . @prefix xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#> . @prefix d2rq: <http://www.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/suhl/bizer/D2RQ/0.1#> . @prefix jdbc: <http://d2rq.org/terms/jdbc/> . map:database a d2rq:Database; d2rq:jdbcDriver "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"; d2rq:jdbcDSN "jdbc:mysql://localhost/verticals"; d2rq:username "admin"; d2rq:password "password!"; jdbc:autoReconnect "true"; jdbc:zeroDateTimeBehavior "convertToNull"; . # Table aide-memoire map:aide-memoire a d2rq:ClassMap; d2rq:dataStorage map:database; d2rq:uriPattern "aide-memoire/@@aide-memoire.amID@@"; d2rq:class vocab:aide-memoire; d2rq:classDefinitionLabel "aide-memoire"; . map:aide-memoire__label a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:aide-memoire; d2rq:property rdfs:label; d2rq:pattern "aide-memoire #@@aide-memoire.amID@@"; . map:aide-memoire_amID a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:aide-memoire; d2rq:property vocab:aide-memoire_amID; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "aide-memoire amID"; d2rq:column "aide-memoire.amID"; d2rq:datatype xsd:int; . map:aide-memoire_rolID a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:aide-memoire; d2rq:property vocab:aide-memoire_rolID; d2rq:refersToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:join "aide-memoire.rolID => lex.lexID"; . map:aide-memoire_subID a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:aide-memoire; d2rq:property vocab:aide-memoire_subID; d2rq:refersToClassMap map:sublex; d2rq:join "aide-memoire.subID => sublex.lexID"; . map:aide-memoire_topicID a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:aide-memoire; d2rq:property vocab:aide-memoire_topicID; d2rq:refersToClassMap map:topics; d2rq:join "aide-memoire.topicID => topics.TopicID"; . map:aide-memoire_topicParentID a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:aide-memoire; d2rq:property vocab:aide-memoire_topicParentID; d2rq:refersToClassMap map:topics; d2rq:join "aide-memoire.topicParentID => topics.TopicID"; . # Table lex map:lex a d2rq:ClassMap; d2rq:dataStorage map:database; d2rq:uriPattern "egov/@@lex.URN-LEX@@"; d2rq:class vocab:lex; d2rq:classDefinitionLabel "lex"; . map:lex__label a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:property rdfs:label; d2rq:pattern "eGov #@@lex.Name@@"; . map:lex_parentName a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:property vocab:lex_parentName; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "lex parentName"; d2rq:column "lex.parentName"; . map:lex_Name a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:property vocab:lex_Name; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "lex Name"; d2rq:column "lex.Name"; . map:lex_URN-LEX a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:property vocab:lex_URN-LEX; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "lex URN-LEX"; d2rq:column "lex.URN-LEX"; . map:lex_URI a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:property vocab:lex_URI; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "lex URI"; d2rq:column "lex.URI"; . map:lex_childOf a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:property vocab:lex_childOf; d2rq:refersToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:alias "lex AS lex__alias"; d2rq:join "lex.childOf => lex__alias.lexID"; . map:lex_subdivisionOf a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:property vocab:lex_subdivisionOf; d2rq:refersToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:alias "lex AS lex__alias"; d2rq:join "lex.subdivisionOf => lex__alias.lexID"; . # Table sublex map:sublex a d2rq:ClassMap; d2rq:dataStorage map:database; d2rq:uriPattern "egov/subdivision/@@sublex.URN-LEX@@"; d2rq:class vocab:sublex; d2rq:classDefinitionLabel "sublex"; . map:sublex__label a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:sublex; d2rq:property rdfs:label; d2rq:pattern "subdivision #@@sublex.Name@@"; . map:sublex_parentName a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:sublex; d2rq:property vocab:sublex_parentName; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "sublex parentName"; d2rq:column "sublex.parentName"; . map:sublex_Name a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:sublex; d2rq:property vocab:sublex_Name; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "sublex Name"; d2rq:column "sublex.Name"; . map:sublex_URN-LEX a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:sublex; d2rq:property vocab:sublex_URN-LEX; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "sublex URN-LEX"; d2rq:column "sublex.URN-LEX"; . map:sublex_URI a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:sublex; d2rq:property vocab:sublex_URI; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "sublex URI"; d2rq:column "sublex.URI"; . map:sublex_childOf a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:sublex; d2rq:property vocab:sublex_childOf; d2rq:refersToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:join "sublex.childOf => lex.lexID"; . map:sublex_subdivisionOf a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:sublex; d2rq:property vocab:sublex_subdivisionOf; d2rq:refersToClassMap map:sublex; d2rq:alias "sublex AS sublex__alias"; d2rq:join "sublex.subdivisionOf => sublex__alias.lexID"; . # Table topics map:topics a d2rq:ClassMap; d2rq:dataStorage map:database; d2rq:uriPattern "topics/@@topics.TopicID@@"; d2rq:class vocab:topics; d2rq:classDefinitionLabel "topics"; . map:topics__label a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:topics; d2rq:property rdfs:label; d2rq:pattern "topics #@@topics.TopicName@@"; . map:topics_TopicName a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:topics; d2rq:property vocab:topics_TopicName; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "topics TopicName"; d2rq:column "topics.TopicName"; . map:topics_URN-LEX a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:topics; d2rq:property vocab:topics_URN-LEX; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "topics URN-LEX"; d2rq:column "topics.URN-LEX"; . map:topics_URI a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:topics; d2rq:property vocab:topics_URI; d2rq:propertyDefinitionLabel "topics URI"; d2rq:column "topics.URI"; . map:topics_ParentID a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:topics; d2rq:property vocab:topics_ParentID; d2rq:refersToClassMap map:topics; d2rq:alias "topics AS topics__alias"; d2rq:join "topics.ParentID => topics__alias.TopicID"; . map:topics_lexID a d2rq:PropertyBridge; d2rq:belongsToClassMap map:topics; d2rq:property vocab:topics_lexID; d2rq:refersToClassMap map:lex; d2rq:join "topics.lexID => lex.lexID"; . On Tue, May 1, 2012 at 2:15 PM, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com> wrote: > Gannon > thanks for sharing, looks like the previous thread may have prompted > you to some action, but I dont understand what that is (hellow from > planet spell-it-out-for-me-please). > > You're a techie right? > > What comfort me, is that most public and civil servants I know of > would have similar difficulties > discerning > > I am mostly on a mobile connection, having some difficulties > accessing/downloading what does not come up in the browser > > (somebody told me a semantic web exists that is invisible to the naked > eye but I never believed that :-) > > So apologies for not being able to give you feedback on the zip file > (btw unzipped it and says ttl file not sure if comes up like tht on > this machine or what a ttl file is) > > If you describe what you are up to, or send to some URI I can see > something in html I may be able to send some comment > > I hope you are a compassionate dude > > cheers > > PDM > > On Mon, Apr 30, 2012 at 11:11 PM, Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com> wrote: >> The mysql database dump and the turtle file to launch the server: >> http://www.rustprivacy.org/2012/urn-lex/rule.of.law.zip >> >> I added one table to cross-reference Topics with their URN-LEX name and >> Subdivision URN-LEX name, if given. >> >> Any comments much appreciated. >> >> Enjoy, >> Gannon >> >> ________________________________ >> From: Gannon Dick <gannon_dick@yahoo.com> >> To: "paoladimaio10@googlemail.com" <paoladimaio10@googlemail.com>; eGov IG >> (Public) <public-egov-ig@w3.org> >> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 11:54 AM >> Subject: Tool for Planning eGov Implementations was Re: what do you mean, >> e-gov? >> >> To plan eGov "bottom up", it's necessary to enumerate the {Rule of Law} "top >> down" because eventually you get to a hyperlink from one {Rule of Law} to >> another {Rule of Law}. In addition, the Administrative Levels necessary to >> traverse to arrive at a small enough geographical region suitable for >> statistical measurements can include very many names (and linked data >> URI's). >> >> I have a D2R server running locally with three linked tables: >> lex => all URN-LEX notation with a LOC ID URI >> sublex => modular (Australia) geo subdivisions of {lex} with a LOC ID URI >> (screen shot Tasmania) >> topics => other "verticals" (LCSH ID) >> >> The LOC ID is one of Country, Geographic Area and Subject Heading ... in >> that order >> >> screen shots here: http://www.rustprivacy.org/2012/urn-lex/d2r.server.pdf >> >> I will be posting the mysql database dump and the turtle file to launch the >> server later today. If anyone at DERI or the LOC is listening, I sure would >> like your opinion before I proceed. >> >> --Gannon >> >> >> >> ________________________________ >> From: Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com> >> To: eGov IG (Public) <public-egov-ig@w3.org> >> Sent: Monday, April 30, 2012 9:59 AM >> Subject: what do you mean, e-gov? >> >> MAA >> >> good to hear this from a 'yankee' (presuming you are from the USA:-) >> >> stakeholder analysis for eGov IG? >> >> pdm >> >> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Aisenberg, Michael A. >> <maisenberg@mitre.org> wrote: >>> Among a diverse group of very smart people from around the world in my >>> experience there is often a risk of not appreciating how a seemingly >>> trivial, to a U.S. Person, may be an "innovation" whose introduction in a >>> different culture (say, India, or Morocco) is truly transformative, while >>> to a Siberian, a piece of software being adopted by the IRS which has >>> dramatic consequences for all U.S. taxpayers may be of NO consequnce...Many >>> of us it appears aren't sufficiently sensitive to/don't "get" those >>> differences....cultural/experiential... >>> M.A.A. Sent from handheld >>> >>> ----- Original Message ----- >>> From: Paola Di Maio [mailto:paola.dimaio@gmail.com] >>> Sent: Friday, April 27, 2012 09:55 AM >>> To: John Erickson <olyerickson@gmail.com> >>> Cc: eGov IG (Public) <public-egov-ig@w3.org> >>> Subject: Re: Fwd: what do you mean, e-gov? >>> >>> Thank you John >>> for challenging the challenge :-) >>> >>> the intended sense of the question was >>> >>> 'how do we know if the existing definition is adequate' - ie what >>> verification/evalidation >>> mechanisms doe we have in place to evaluate >>> the quality and usefulness of the work of the IG >>> >>> and >>> >>> 'how was the definition achieved? how do we ensure it embeds and >>> reflects the core values its community members uphold in matters of >>> e-government, such as democracy and human rights? >>> >>> ---------------------------------------------note--- >>> No legal government can operate outside the principles of >>> democracy and human rights, and the mediation of web technologies is >>> designed to >>> ensure, document and track how the governments operate within their >>> legal/legitimate mandates >>> >>> --------------------------------------------------------------- >>> also >>> >>> are the members consulted as to how useful/valid this definition is to >>> them? >>> >>> is there any evidence of any such consultation? >>> >>> does the IG have a process to ensure >>> transparency/democracy/participation to the governance of the IG >>> itself, >>> >>> is the IG transformative, in this sense? >>> (ie, operate to achieve change, by practicing what it preaches) if >>> not, should it be? >>> >>> >>> >>> PDM >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 2:31 PM, John Erickson <olyerickson@gmail.com> >>> wrote: >>>> This is an amazingly rich and thoughtful discussion --- thanks! >>>> >>>> I would like to challenge the assertion that that W3C eGov definition >>>> <http://www.w3.org/egov/> is inadequate. Like all W3C *G's (including >>>> WG's and IG's) the W3C eGov IG includes as it's context "The World" >>>> (which includes many forms of government) and "The Web" (although the >>>> definition is broadened to include other modes of communication. >>>> >>>> As I understand it, the W3C eGov IG is about _doing government better >>>> by decreasing the friction of citizen-citizen, citizen-government, and >>>> government-government communications_. It is not a democracy advocacy >>>> group, a human rights advocacy group, or an advocacy group for >>>> particular manifestations of technologies and services. But since it >>>> *is* a W3C group, it is naturally be a projection of the core values >>>> of the W3C (in process as well as content) and inevitably this will >>>> ave a democratic tone...but this is not the core purpose. >>>> >>>> Most W3C group charters are a balance between constraint (in order to >>>> get work done) and extensibility (in order to be inclusive of new >>>> views and rapid changes in technology). I think that the current W3C >>>> eGov IG brief strikes this balance --- but am willing to be corrected >>>> ;) >>>> >>>> John >>>> >>>> On Fri, Apr 27, 2012 at 6:55 AM, Mick Phythian <mick.phythian@gmail.com> >>>> wrote: >>>>> I think you've discovered the difficulties I had in finding a working >>>>> definition of e-gov - hence the one I chose! >>>>> >>>>> Along with a definition of e-gov you'll then need a definition of >>>>> democracy. >>>>> Many of us are in representative democracies; what aspects of >>>>> e-government >>>>> require/lead to is direct democracy - I labelled this one of the >>>>> 'antinomies >>>>> of modern government'. True e-government and representative democracy >>>>> aren't >>>>> compatible... >>>>> >>>>> Mick http://greatemancipator.com >>>>> >>>>> On 27 April 2012 11:47, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>> Thank you Tomasz >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> > The W3C definition of EGOV is at the top of http://www.w3.org/egov/: >>>>>> > "eGovernment is the use of the Web and other information technologies >>>>>> > by governments to interact with the citizenry, between departments >>>>>> > and >>>>>> > divisions, and with other governments". >>>>>> >>>>>> Who wrote this definition? (should the provenance of the working >>>>>> definition be stated?) >>>>>> >>>>>> How do we know that this definition is adequate for our purpose, and >>>>>> represents the view of the list members? >>>>>> (certainly it does not represent my view of e-Gov, and others >>>>>> we have heard so far) :-) >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> It seems to me that such a definition reinforces the structural gap >>>>>> between >>>>>> 'governement' and 'citizenry', rather than diminishing it. >>>>>> >>>>>> Many of us like to think,for example, that citizens *are* the >>>>>> government, before they given a blue collar and transformed into fuel >>>>>> for the bureaucratic, dysfunctional political machinery >>>>>> >>>>>> Given appropriate democratic practices and adoption of technologies >>>>>> that support their participation, there should be no us and them. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> > This process could perhaps lead to the revision of the W3C >>>>>> > definition. >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> oh yes, please :-) >>>>>> Thank you >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> PDM >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> > >>>>>> > Regards, >>>>>> > >>>>>> > Tomasz >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> >> In the definition below, I am particularly interested in the word >>>>>> >> *transformation. * >>>>>> >> * >>>>>> >> * >>>>>> >> The question could be formulated as: >>>>>> >> how do bring transformation of traditional governance (from closed, >>>>>> >> secretive, self serving, corruption prone self established elites) >>>>>> >> to >>>>>> >> e-governance (assuming we establish among the principles of self >>>>>> >> governance: opennes, transparency, serving the common good, >>>>>> >> accountable >>>>>> >> and >>>>>> >> participative) >>>>>> > >>>>>> >> Since you have a Phd on the subject, could it be a good idea if you >>>>>> >> started >>>>>> >> an essay on the topic, and get others to chip in? >>>>>> >> * >>>>>> >> * >>>>>> >> *Cheers* >>>>>> >> * >>>>>> >> * >>>>>> >> *PDM >>>>>> >> * >>>>>> > >>>>>> >> On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 11:53 PM, Mick Phythian >>>>>> >> <mick.phythian@gmail.com>wrote: >>>>>> > >>>>>> >>> Having done a PhD on the area, the one I settled on was in a >>>>>> >>> Canadian >>>>>> >>> report by Roy (2006, p.x), he further refines ‘e-government’ as >>>>>> >>> “The >>>>>> >>> continuous innovation in the delivery of services, citizen >>>>>> >>> participation, >>>>>> >>> and governance through the transformation of external and internal >>>>>> >>> relationships by the use of information technology, especially the >>>>>> >>> Internet”. >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> Roy, J. (2006). *E-Government in Canada* (Reprinted 2008 ed.). >>>>>> >>> Ottawa, >>>>>> >>> Canada: University of Ottawa.com >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> Best of a bad bunch! >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> Mick http://greatemancipator.com - still lurking >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> On 24 April 2012 20:09, Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com> >>>>>> >>> wrote: >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>>> >>>>>> >>>> For those who have been around the last twenty years or any >>>>>> >>>> subset thereof, the question is not new. We each seem to >>>>>> >>>> use the same word with different meanings (anyone else laughing >>>>>> >>>> hysterically at this point?) >>>>>> >>>> >>>>>> >>>> I was recently giving a talk and providing my own definition(s), >>>>>> >>>> and >>>>>> >>>> would have liked >>>>>> >>>> to point to the W3C definition of egov. But I could not remember >>>>>> >>>> whether >>>>>> >>>> we agreed on one, and where it can be accessed. Admittedly I have >>>>>> >>>> been >>>>>> >>>> away a lot lately. >>>>>> >>>> >>>>>> >>>> For example, for me egovernance applies to both >>>>>> >>>> the governance of civil society institutions (presumably the >>>>>> >>>> governance >>>>>> >>>> democratic institutions that are ruled by first principles, and >>>>>> >>>> the >>>>>> >>>> universal declaration of human rights, although in reality there >>>>>> >>>> may >>>>>> >>>> not be >>>>>> >>>> many governments that do so), as well as the governance of online >>>>>> >>>> communities, whereby the information and decisions are mediated by >>>>>> >>>> online >>>>>> >>>> technologies, or something like that. But not sure if this has >>>>>> >>>> been >>>>>> >>>> discussed >>>>>> >>>> I do not remember any such discussions on list. Is it my memory >>>>>> >>>> failing >>>>>> >>>> me again? >>>>>> >>>> >>>>>> >>>> Any threads/uri's someone could kindly repost if these questions >>>>>> >>>> have >>>>>> >>>> already been asked? >>>>>> >>>> >>>>>> >>>> if not, i would invite the IG Chairs to start off with some >>>>>> >>>> proposed >>>>>> >>>> definitions, either on list or on wiki page possibly one for each >>>>>> >>>> term in >>>>>> >>>> our shared vocabulary, (wiki? url......), then members (other >>>>>> >>>> than >>>>>> >>>> pure >>>>>> >>>> lurkers) could introduce themseles and get their active >>>>>> >>>> participation >>>>>> >>>> in the >>>>>> >>>> group going by entering their own definitions/variations, with >>>>>> >>>> possibly a >>>>>> >>>> link to their profile >>>>>> >>>> so that we can start getting to know each other meaningfully?:-) >>>>>> >>>> >>>>>> >>>> >>>>>> >>>> sincerely >>>>>> >>>> >>>>>> >>>> PDM >>>>>> >>>> >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> -- >>>>>> >>> Mick Phythian PhD >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> http://greatemancipator.com >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> >>> >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> > >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> -- >>>>> Mick Phythian PhD >>>>> >>>>> http://greatemancipator.com >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> John S. Erickson, Ph.D. >>>> Director, Web Science Operations >>>> Tetherless World Constellation (RPI) >>>> <http://tw.rpi.edu> <olyerickson@gmail.com> >>>> Twitter & Skype: olyerickson >>>> >>> >> >> >> >> >>
Received on Tuesday, 1 May 2012 13:37:08 UTC