Re: Future plans and directions for W3C eGov Interest Group

re: eGovernment Policies / toward a sustainable day

Policy at the local level is determined in part by local time and seasonal variation (Work-Life Balance).  Jeanne's suggestion about two calls per month is a good example of this.  Sunrise, Sunset and the time in between are a local asset, a holding, not a finding like local weather.  This calculation method of Work-Life Balance has been on the wish list of Transportation Safety Agencies (e.g. NTSB, US) for more than a decade, because it addresses the potential problems with fatigue.

I have posted some Work-Life calculators for 2012.  These are not the "American 8 hour Work Day", but rather reflect that adult humans' need sleep of about 8 hours.  (no index, see below)

AU-ACT-2012.html    Canberra, Australia (n.b Civil Twilight by NOAA agrees with Geoscience Australia to the minute, too)
AZ-ABS-2012.html     Baku, Azerbaijan
IN-NCR-2012.html      Delhi, India
RU-CFD-2012.html     Moscow, Russian Federation
US-DC-001-2012.html  Washington, DC, United States
US-TX-439-2012.html   Fort Worth, TX, United States

In preparation for the meeting I will be converting the home-grown XML data listings to ADMS Format.  In addition, I would like some suggestions:

1.  The times are adjustable, the defaults can be modified ... suggestions ?
2.  Some additional locations can be added to make the data more "real".  These can be cities, but also Heritage Sites, Parks or other Points of Interest ... suggestions?


From: "Holm, Jeanne M (1760)" <>
To: W3C eGov IG mailing list <> 
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2012 5:14 PM
Subject: Future plans and directions for W3C eGov Interest Group

Hi all--

Thanks for a great meeting yesterday!  I appreciate the information shared and the suggestions made.  As we discussed in November, some of the main areas around which we should plan some discussions and perhaps some work products from the group are:
    1. eGovernment policies
    2. Open government data practices, policies, and licensing
    3. Events and groups working in eGovernment (community directory and resources)
    4. Accessibility of eGovernment services
    5. Social media in government
    6. Education and outreach
In response to each of these items, I've put together some initial plans.  I would very much like to hear your suggestions, comments, or changes.
    1. eGovernment policies: Our next meeting will focus on eGovernment policies.  The discussion will be led by Tomasz Janowski, UN University.  
    2. Open government data practices, policies, and licensing: Our last few meetings have focused around this.  In the near future, Bernadette and George will provide a summary of their current two-day workshop with the Government Linked Data group, I will provide links to the two open data platform activities presented last meeting in a new resource area on our web site, and Daniel Bennett will provide a summary at our next meeting of the workshop he is participating in on February 2 with the US House of Representatives Open Data work.  I will see if Anne Fitzgerald and Sarah Pearson can add in the information about licensing on the site as well.
    3. Community directory: We are looking for someone to help organize and be a point of contact for the community directory.  This will include the best practices, case studies, and events in the field.  The lead will be the person to whom the rest of us can submit our suggestions.
    4. Accessibility of eGovernment services:  I will ask Judy Brewer and some of the other accessibility leads to give us a summary of the key issues for governments in this area.
    5. Social media:  We started the discussion around this in November. Let me know if you are interested in helping to lead a follow on discussion on social media.
We will also be increasing our meetings from once to twice a month (with different times to be accessible across time zones), a poll to be out next week for voting.  

As for item 6, several people have suggested a closer connection to other groups within the W3C (thanks, Daniel and others)!  Groups that we might want to feed ideas and suggestions to are listed at:  Of particular note might be the following.  Let me know which are of interest to you.
    * Education and outreach
    * Geolocation
    * Government Linked Data
    * HTML
    * Internationalization Core
    * Points of Interest
    * RDF
    * Research and Development
    * Web Services Policy
    * Web Accessibility Initiative
Sandro will be getting the meeting notes up shortly.  Looking forward to a productive (and now better organized) new year!


Jeanne Holm
U.S. General Services Administration
Cell: (818) 434-5037
Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn: JeanneHolm

Received on Thursday, 26 January 2012 21:22:39 UTC