Re: W3C eGov meeting invitation - Social Media Use by Government

Phil, can you point to any pages, documents etc that show the jurisdictions
or legalities involved you're talking about?
And thanks for the slides and minutes.
Too early today.
Dan Smith

On 8/6/12, Phil Archer <> wrote:
> Interesting that the podcast has come up again. I know Jeanne is keen to
> do this, at least for the presentations. The problem we have is that in
> some jurisdictions this is not really allowed (it falls foul of
> communications laws).
> Even so, it's something we can look at.
> Meanwhile, today's minutes and, where available, slides, are findable
> from the wiki.
> Cheers
> Phil.
> On 06/08/2012 14:31, Vagner Diniz wrote:
>> +1 podcast
>> Vagner.
>> Em 06/08/2012, às 08:54, Zachary Tumin escreveu:
>>> Greetings,
>>> Sorry to have missed this. Anyway to podcast/record these telcons for
>>> further review? Given world time zone diffs - a 4:00AM (NY) start is
>>> difficult - it would be a great asset. Thanks for your consideration.
>>> Regards,
>>> Zach
>>> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>>> Zachary Tumin
>>> Special Assistant to the Director and Faculty Chair
>>> Program in Science, Technology and Public Policy
>>> Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs
>>> John F. Kennedy School of Government | Harvard University
>>> 79 John F. Kennedy Street | Cambridge, MA | 02138
>>> VOICE: 617-495-1960 | TWITTER: @ZachTumin | PERSONAL WEBSITE::
>>> Co-author of COLLABORATE OR PERISH! (Random House, 2012) and “Viral By
>>> Design” (Harvard Business Review, APRIL 2012)
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: Tomasz Janowski []
>>> Sent: Saturday, August 04, 2012 8:04 PM
>>> To: eGov IG (Public)
>>> Subject: Re: W3C eGov meeting invitation - Social Media Use by
>>> Government
>>> Dear All,
>>> A reminder about the meeting of the W3C EGOV Interest Group, taking place
>>> on Monday 6 August 2012 from 9:00 to 10:30 London time, and focused on
>>> the topic of social media use by government.
>>> The agenda is as follows:
>>> 09:00 - 09:05 Welcome and introductions
>>> 09:05 - 09:15 Defining the discussion space
>>> 09:15 - 10:15 Individual presentations and questions and answers
>>> 09:15 - 09:30 Webmonitoring in Groningen, Renske Stumpel, Municipality of
>>> Groningen, Netherlands
>>> 09:30 - 09:45 Social Media Use by Government of India, Neeta Verma,
>>> National Informatics Center, India
>>> 09:45 - 10:00 Using Social Media for Data Science and Journalism, Brand
>>> Niemann, Semantic Community
>>> 10:00 - 10:15 to be announced
>>> 10:15 - 10:25 Summary and next steps
>>> 10:25 - 10:30 Next meeting
>>> Some presenters may opt for using slides, subject to late changes.
>>> Please download them from wiki
>>> just before the meeting.
>>> We are likely to continue with the same topic during the meetings on
>>> 24 August (Atlantic time) and 3 September 2012 (Eurasian time). If you
>>> would like to present, please contact Jeanne or me directly.
>>> Talk to you soon...
>>> Many regards,
>>> Tomasz
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> The next meeting of the W3C EGOV Interest Group will take place on
>>>> Monday 6 August 2012 from 9:00 to 10:30 London time.
>>>> The discussion will focus on the use of social media by government and
>>>> other state actors to interact with citizens, business and with each
>>>> other, and related technology and policy issues.
>>>> We warmly welcome expressions of interest to make 5-10 minutes or
>>>> longer presentation to share experience with social media development
>>>> and use in the public space. If you know about an initiative,
>>>> experience, research findings, etc. worth sharing, please present it
>>>> to the group or encourage your colleagues to present. Please contact
>>>> Tomasz at
>>>> 09:00 - 09:05 Welcome and introductions
>>>> 09:05 - 09:15 Defining the discussion space
>>>> 09:15 - 10:15 Individual presentations
>>>> 10:15 - 10:25 Summary and next steps
>>>> 10:25 - 10:30 Next meeting
>>>> We will also need a member of the group to help scribe. This is
>>>> essentially taking notes in the IRC chat during the teleconference to
>>>> capture the key points of the discussion. If you are able to volunteer
>>>> to scribe for the next meeting (or interested for future meetings),
>>>> please contact Tomasz or Jeanne directly.
>>>> Ways to connect:
>>>> --Telecon line: Dial +1-617-761-6200 or
>>>><> then conference code
>>>> 3468# ("EGOV#") --W3C IRC channel #egov, see
>>>> or use
>>>> --Scribe: (please volunteer, if you've done this before) --Group
>>>> access via the W3C at and also via LinkedIn at
>>>> the W3C eGovernment Interest Group:
>>>> We look forward to meeting you on Monday...
>>>> Many regards,
>>>> Tomasz
>>>> ------------
>>>> Tomasz Janowski
>>>> United Nations University
>>>> email: | skype: tomaszjanowski
> --
> Phil Archer
> W3C eGovernment
> +44 (0)7887 767755
> @philarcher1

Received on Monday, 6 August 2012 13:57:23 UTC