Re: Monday's eGov call looking v interesting

Thanks, Phil.

On 8/3/12, Phil Archer <> wrote:
> Dan,
> There'll be a link from the wiki to the presentations (if we get them in
> time) and, yes, in the IRC, but you'll be able to open them in your own
> browser and follow along through the audio channel.
> Hope you can join us on Monday
> Phil.
> On 03/08/2012 18:27, Daniel Smith wrote:
>> Phil, just to be sure, I've not yet joined any of the presentations live,
>> These are just presented on the IRC channel?
>> They aren't posted also over anything like or anything, are they?
>> Thanks so much.
>> Dan Smith
>> Houston
>> On 8/3/12, Serafín Olcoz <> wrote:
>>> Hi everyone,
>>> First at all I want to apologize for not attending last meetings and
>>> because
>>> I could not either attend the scheduled ones for August (I'm on
>>> Holidays).
>>> I would like to share with you the news about the recent approval of a
>>> Decree on Openness and Reuse of Applications of Public Administrations
>>> of
>>> Basque Government and the issues that I think are related to the charter
>>> of
>>> this group, as I wrote in this post:
>>> s-and-reuse-applications-decree-already-approved.
>>> I hope the final text of the mentioned Decree will be published by the
>>> Official Bulletin of the Basque Government in few days or weeks, then I
>>> will
>>> ask for translation into English in order to share it with all of you.
>>> In
>>> any case I will come back to you by September.
>>> Best regards,
>>> Serafin Olcoz
>>> El 02/08/12 09:18, "Phil Archer" <> escribió:
>>>> Hi everyone,
>>>> Tomasz might be a little modest to say this so I will ;-) It's clear
>>>> that Monday's eGov IG call is looking very interesting with several
>>>> presentations now lined up covering different social media-centric
>>>> projects.
>>>> Do join us on the call - the wiki has all the timing and dial in info
>>>> Talk to you Monday.
>>>> Phil.
> --
> Phil Archer
> W3C eGovernment
> +44 (0)7887 767755
> @philarcher1

Received on Friday, 3 August 2012 21:56:30 UTC