- From: Brand Niemann <bniemann@cox.net>
- Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2011 06:09:16 -0400
- To: "'Phil Archer'" <phila@w3.org>, <public-egov-ig@w3.org>
Saw talk about the importance of Cloud Computing to eGov in the minutes and would certainly agree - see recent AWS Summit for what Amazon in doing worldwide and US gov is doing: http://semanticommunity.info/Federal_Cloud_Computing/October_18_2011_AWS_Gov _Cloud_Summit_II I am writing a story for AOL Gov that I will share about how agencies are starting to use SW, LOD, 5 Stars, etc.: http://gov.aol.com/bloggers/brand-niemann/ -----Original Message----- From: public-egov-ig-request@w3.org [mailto:public-egov-ig-request@w3.org] On Behalf Of Phil Archer Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2011 10:15 AM To: public-egov-ig@w3.org Subject: [Minutes 2011-10-18] The minutes of this month's telecon are available at http://www.w3.org/2011/10/18-egov-minutes.html and copied below for your black and white delectation (they're also linked from the wiki) eGovernment Interest Group Teleconference 18 Oct 2011 See also: [2]IRC log [2] http://www.w3.org/2011/10/18-egov-irc Attendees Present +1.843.682.aaaa, +1.818.434.aabb, kliehm, olyerickson, PhilA2, +1.440.389.aacc, HadleyBeeman, Owen, Jeanne, edsu, MacTed, +1.413.652.aadd, +1.202.684.aaee, Daniel, bdhandspicker, +1.202.270.aaff, AnneW, +1.509.464.aagg Regrets Bernadette Hyland Chair Jeanne Scribe PhilA2 Contents * [3]Topics 1. [4]TPAC 2. [5]Resources on the wiki 3. [6]Open Mike * [7]Summary of Action Items _________________________________________________________ <HadleyBeeman> Morning all :) <kliehm> trackbot, start telcon <trackbot> Date: 18 October 2011 <Jeanne> aabb is me <HadleyBeeman> Looking forward to seeing lots of you in Warsaw tomorrow <olyerickson> @warsaw travellers: safe travels <olyerickson> +1 to TPAC <olyerickson> nope <olyerickson> okay I see it now (was looking at wrong list) TPAC JH: We're trying to build momentum towards the meeting <olyerickson> W3C TPAC eov proposed agenda: [8]http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/F2F4 [8] http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/F2F4 JH: Josema was telling me about the World Bank event ... and now we have the Warsaw meeting ... I've been working on the agenda with Joseam, Jonathan etc ... some frustration that enthusiasm dies down in between the big events ... so we want to keep the balls in the air ... and coordinated ... so TPAC will build on what we're doing in Warsaw kliehm: Sounds good HadleyBeeman: +1 <olyerickson> olyerickson: Communicationwill be essential for it to work as Jeanne has described JH: So we're thinking of the IG being the repository of resources that can be used ... definitions, agreements, licences etc. ... W3C is a long term entity, more so than some of our own websites <Owen> Sounds to me like what is needed is a performance plan, with roles assigned to individuals and deadlines for outputs JH: Communication is tricky. We might see a lot of cross posting on the lists. ... I've been trying to take more of the conversation to Twitter, but that is challenging in its own way of course PhilA: Is there not a directory being created by GLD WG? JH: That's one of the things we're talking about in Warsaw 9- JH: Explains the differences <olyerickson> +1 to deeper understanding of best practices w.r.t. licensing, policies, etc <olyerickson> +1 to Hadley's comments --- GLD is very focused <Jeanne> Need to be able to look at data that is also not 5-star data HadleyBeeman: I agree with what JH jas said, but add that the GLD WG is focussed on 5 start LD, so there's plenty of scope for sharing info about data that is not 5* ... All for not duplicating what GLD is doing but there is more to do JH: +1 ... on data.gov we link to sites whatever format it's in ... what's important is that it's official data ... each catalogue that we see has slightly different criteria we notice ... the first star is the hardest to get <olyerickson> The most important star is the first star JH: if we can get people to start changing their behaviour by publishing PDF I'm happy ... The agenda is still tentative ... again, f2f agenda is at [9]http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/F2F4 [9] http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/F2F4 <bdhandspicker> aadd is bdhandspicker JH: Idea is to do a quick summary of the recent events <MacTed> :-) JH: HadleyBeeman has offered to chair the next session :-) <olyerickson> NOTE: If you're participating at TPAC, please add your name: [10]http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/F2F4 [10] http://www.w3.org/egov/wiki/F2F4 JH: Any ideas for other speakers/organisations? <Jeanne> Any suggestions for speakers or activities to be at the TPAC? HadleyBeeman: Going back to our last conversation... it might be useful to create a wiki space for materials that we might find useful in our own work JH: Sandro started a wiki and we can build off that page ... Idea is that anyone can post <olyerickson> Not sure what area of the Wiki we';re talking about... <scribe> ACTION: PhilA2 to make sure he know how to grant write access to the wiki before TPAC [recorded in [11]http://www.w3.org/2011/10/18-egov-minutes.html#action01] <trackbot> Sorry, couldn't find user - PhilA2 <HadleyBeeman> olyerickson: I was deliberately vague. But I think we need some way to take home stories from each other, evidence or tools for our own work. <scribe> ACTION: Phil Archer to make sure he know how to grant write access to the wiki before TPAC [recorded in [12]http://www.w3.org/2011/10/18-egov-minutes.html#action02] <trackbot> Created ACTION-120 - Archer to make sure he know how to grant write access to the wiki before TPAC [on Phil Archer - due 2011-10-25]. JH: Needs to be a permanent place <olyerickson> Where is this "on-going permanent place?" edsu: Do you see the issues around Cloud Computing fitting in here? ... We're increasingly interested in using these services because it allows us to bring services on line without investing in hardware JH: Personally I do think it's part of the eGov space ... but we don't have an agenda item of infrastructure issues. Do you think we should? <DanielBennett> Cloud computing has huge policy implications. edsu: I think so. You could argue that it's independent of the Web and perhaps therefore W3C but doing some of this online means putting it on the Web <DanielBennett> Security, commercial control of citizen/govt resources JH: Departments could be victims of their own success if they're not able to manage the traffic etc. <Jeanne> John +1 olyerickson: +1 to edsu as that class of topics is outside the GLD WG group scope but it's an issue for eGov <edsu> PhilA2: would love to, but having trouble getting travel funding at the moment olyerickson: where do we talk about evangelism? JH: Good stuff, yes,. Come of that is on E&O which is in our charter ... there are pieces that don't fall into a tech area but that are of interest to the same participants ... so it's about how to maintain an eGov activity John I'd be happy to lead that section of the f2f JH: SO Hadley and John have stepped forward to lead a session - feel free to put your hand up please DanielBennett: On the cloud computing, an issue I think is that we may need some sort of policy on what we produce so that we don't use too much jargon (like Cloud Computing) ... need to make sure that when they look at things like accessibility or provenance, people can do so tech-neutrally JH: People do tend to jump on a band wagon <Jeanne> Will add area to TPAC eGov agenda on Infrastructure to include policy issues DanielBennett: One of the great things that was done when the terms of service were re-written for a government audience cf. a tech one JH: Are you coming to TPAC? DanielBennett: I can't show up but I can be helpful on the phone/writing stuff edsu: I can't either but I'd be happy to work on something JH: And we will have an opp for virtual participation ... so maybe you can dial in for at least a portion of the meeting <olyerickson> I'd be willing to stan in front of the room and facilitate the discussion on "Policy" if needed <olyerickson> WHo just joined the call? <edsu> PhilA2: i do have a new action item to look at the whole issue of big data, which would include big data sets and cloud computing, it's not an area that the w3c has been involved in to date, if cloud computing is your area we are looking at what the w3c might do. <DanielBennett> hi AnneW JH: So we'll include a section on infrastructure on the f2f agenda ... Anyone have any other suggestions? olyerickson: I think we have to work on the social media one. We need to figure out some way that we can bring in somebody specifically for that. There's so much going on in the world that's of relevance to eGov <HadleyBeeman> +1 to Olyerickson - there's lots to cover on social media olyerickson: we should be more deliberate about how we use that time <HadleyBeeman> (and to learn from) <DanielBennett> #occupysocialmedia ? <olyerickson> +1 @DanielBennett JH: Social Media is close to my heart so I'm all for that. Is there someone in the Valley who could come and talk to us I wonder?#] ... I don't want the location to be an issue if possible <olyerickson> It would be ironic of location wqas an issue, esp for "social media" ;) JH: Any areas here that someone is interested in chairing/co-chairing <HadleyBeeman> Jeanne, if you have a hole I can chair or speak to Data licensing from the UK. <HadleyBeeman> (but I don't want to take up the spot if someone else wants it!) <Jeanne> Thanks Hadley. PhilA: if you are going to TPAC [13]http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2011/ [13] http://www.w3.org/2002/09/wbs/35125/TPAC2011/ <olyerickson> "If you're going to San Fransisco..." ;) DanielBennett: Is there going to be a session on trying to work out ongoing projects for the group - a planning session? JH: Yes. I'm trying to set up integrated activities and we'll be setting that up at the meeting, yes ... My intention is to walk away from the meeeting with a 6 month plan ... trying to understand what people want and what people are prepared to do ... Anything else on the TPAC meeting? <nope /> <olyerickson> -1 to more on #TPAC Resources on the wiki JH: If you have resources that you use or have then it would be good to see them on the wiki please ... we're doing a lot of talk in the US on FOI and privacy ... those are policies that aren't managed by the open data folk but they impact us ... I think it's going to be useful for new folks when they jump in ... thoughts on building that resource? <Jeanne> A singalong would be nice ;-) <olyerickson> +1 to contibuting <bdhandspicker> I'd be happy to contribute... JH: I'll just keen bugging people ... a little bit from a lot of people is good ... Want to look at possible action items AnnW: I think we should follow TimBL's 5* model for GLD ... if we do some sort of maturity model then we should follow along those lines PhilA: offers this example of adpating the 5* to a specific domain [14]http://opencitations.wordpress.com/2011/10/17/the-five-stars-of- online-journal-articles-3/ [14] http://opencitations.wordpress.com/2011/10/17/the-five-stars-of-online-journ al-articles-3/ AnneW: It doesn't have to be LOD, just a 5 level hieracrhy ... LOD may be unatainable for some people <DanielBennett> I think that HTML5 is going to revolutionize web data and we should have a paper that goes over the opportunities and policy implications I'll be a chamption of getting people to 1 or 2 starts so that we can build on it bdhandspicker: Also human-accessible data, XML schema etc <DanielBennett> with human readable data, accessibility, data friendly graphics and video/mixed media, bdhandspicker: a lot of the info needs to be exchanged between agencies <bdhandspicker> indeed, I work out of Albany in the Office of Children and Family Services DanielBennett: I was going to say that along with LOD, Could computing and Soc media is HTML5 and its usefulness for presenting data/graphics etc. <bdhandspicker> My job is to enable interoperability between OCFS systems and Education, Health, and Justice systems DanielBennett: Maybe we can help with Best Practices around that area JH: It might be good to have someone from the HTML5 WG to talk about it and its possible impact on gov data DanielBennett: Yes, but some best practices and examples JH: That sounds like our research area <bdhandspicker> John: email me at bd@handspicker.net olyerickson: There's been a lot of discussion about technology (e.g. HTML5). I haven't heard a lot of focus on governments etc <edsu> big +1 olyerickson: we haven't talked about the notion of gov data per se <edsu> ^- for more discussion about participatory government <HadleyBeeman> olyerickson: Participatory government could be a useful topic for us (+1 from me) JH: I think the whole area around challenges and engaging the developer community ... is interesting and relevant <DanielBennett> +1 participation, but perhaps to map out the ecology of what that means <edsu> DanielBennett: pull, rather than push Open Mike <DanielBennett> including laws that can be cited, ways to communicate with govt, how to moderate or aggregate JH: Summarises next steps (Warsaw, TPAC, wiki population) DanielBennett: Maybe we could talk about how to move forward on the subjects we've already idnetified. ... is it going to be HTML5, Soc Media etc. ... some sort of roadmap/deadline JH: Yes, that's what we're going to do. As an IG we don't do recommendations, but we can do white papers etc PhilA: (we call then Notes, but white paper works) JH: and we can suggest things to/liaise with other W3C Groups DanielBennett: Yes, that's what I'm hopjng to see <Jeanne> Thanks, Phil. Notes. DanielBennett: We need input from a larger audience JH: Yes. And we may end up doing someething sdpecific between specific cities/govs etc. ... which could be an example of BP ... I've been reaching out to the LinkedIn group <olyerickson> +1 to LinkedIn usage... JH: that's given me some good connections ... obviously there's a variety of commitemnt levels edsu: Do we have another half an hour? ... I'd like to know about some of those discussions JH: I've had 30-40 mails and I've connected people, asking people to tell me what their suggestions for the group are. I'll have them collated ahead of TPAC abd will try and put them out before then <olyerickson> -1 to "Else" ;) <DanielBennett> nope. thanks <HadleyBeeman> No, this has been great JH: Any more? <nope /> <edsu> safe travels <HadleyBeeman> See you all soon <DanielBennett> how do we register for virtual participation? There will be full instructions, DanielBennett Summary of Action Items [NEW] ACTION: Phil Archer to make sure he know how to grant write access to the wiki before TPAC [recorded in [15]http://www.w3.org/2011/10/18-egov-minutes.html#action02]
Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2011 10:10:34 UTC