At Sunlight, we maintain a list of official Twitter accounts in our
Congress API:
We do verify each Twitter account to ensure that it's the official
government account, not a campaign or personal account. Here's our process:
1. Identify a Twitter account through Twitter search, Google search, or
other lead (TweetCongress has sent us their lists in the past).
2. If that Twitter account is linked from the member's official house.govor website, we consider it official.
3. If not, we call the member's Washington office to verify.
On Tue, Nov 15, 2011 at 8:59 AM, Steven Clift <> wrote:
> My key concern - separating campaign-based and government funded tweeting.
> I think any "representative" must be done using official resources or tax
> dollars are subsidizing the creation on campaign communication resources.
> Has anyone researched or explored this issue?
> Steven Clift
> --
> Steven Clift -
> Executive Director - http://E-Democracy.Org
> Follow me -
> New Tel: +1.612.234.7072