Government Gadgets

Using the same hardware for work and "play" is problematic. The "root" problem, I think, goes way back.  An agrarian economy has seasonal long work hours with a practical motivation.  A year-round long hour industrial (office) economy has no such practical motivation. So, the classification of gadgets into work and leisure types creates conflicting aims.

- Gadgets for both work and leisure have work security concerns, but do reinforce the year-round long hours prevailing vision.
- Gadgets for either/or application can be as secure as necessary, but they promote a division of time into Work and Leisure hours.  This division is not well defined; it is an individual interest - with the organizational interest in defending long hours.

These graphs [*] may help.  They are of Civil Time centered around (real=Solar) noon.  If you are going to reduce a Civil Servant's retirement pension, then you have to be prepared for a demand to download a movie to watch with the family tonight (and the free time to do that).  I do not believe there is any sustainable Policy solution addressing both concerns.

The calculations are extensive, for the rather simple result.  They do apply world-wide, and are in the Public Domain.  If anyone needs some help with other cities of interest, send me an e-mail. 


Dublin, Ireland
Ft. Worth, TX
San Francisco, CA
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Washington, DC


Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2011 19:01:32 UTC