Government Linked Data (GLD) Working Group

There is now a W3C Working Group on Government use of Linked Data. The
group's home page is here:

The kickoff meeting is in just three week, near Washington D.C.  If you
are interested in participating, please fill out this survey:

If you expect to attend this meeting (in person or remotely), please
take a serious look at the deliverables in the charter and pick one or
two items on which you'd be willing to give a 10-minute presentation,
helping people understand that topic.  If you can do this, please send
your topic(s) and a few thoughts to the chairs at  Responses within the next week will help us
form the agenda and give us time to give you feedback.

The charter is here:

This is important work, which I expect will be very rewarding for
people striving for five-star Government data.

                   - Sandro Hawke, W3C staff contact

(Sorry for the accidental conflict with OKCon.  Scheduling is
hard.  We expect to have another meeting in Europe in the fall.)

Received on Wednesday, 8 June 2011 23:46:03 UTC