Fwd: directory of open gov data projects

For dicussion
BTW - the official email to commissione Nelly Kroes bounces,  does anybody
have an alternative email for her?



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Paola Di Maio <paola.dimaio@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 1:30 PM
Subject: Re: directory of open gov data projects
To: Stefano.BERTOLO@ec.europa.eu, François Bancilhon <
Cc: Cab-Kroes-NK@ec.europa.eu, Anthony.Whelan@ec.europa.eu,

Dear Stefano

We just published the official report on the meeting you were asking about.
It is now available from our web site

thank you for your message and for the link to the report which I read with

> *
> *<http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/ict/content-knowledge/docs/report-ws-pan-eu-dat-porta_en.pdf>
> As you can read in the report, the experts invited at the workshop were
> selected due to their practical experience in running existing or under
> construction data portals in their respective countries.

I am not aware of particlar expertise of the panelists (who are also
esteemed colleagues)  you selected in relation to building a data portal in
their respective countries (with exception for Nigel and Francois whose work
I am familiar with), anymore  more than many other researchers in this field

Would it be possible to have some  addional references for each panelist to
support how they were selected in relation to other possible candidates?

As you may remember from our prior correspondence in 2009 (which is still
waiting for a reply btw) I investigate the mechanism that allow 'experts' to
be nominated  arbitrarily by project officers, with a view to improve the
decision making process of EU funded projects and research, and making it
more participatory and inclusive, and hopefully  making funding and
governance of key initiatives more transparent and rational .
Are there any minutes for such meetings that can be referenced?

Given the  vast amount of money we, EU citizens,  have been investing in
developing new technologies, may I ask why such consultations do not
leverage new ICT means to enable a wider number of stakeholders and experts
to take part in such technical meetings remotely?

 The last paragraph or your report,

*Furthermore it was pointed out that a small working group should be created
to drive the topic of a
pan-European data portal as efficiently and flexibly as needed.

In my conversations with some of the panel members, there seem to be
consensus that the workging group referenced above
should not be 'small' but should be as wide and as inclusive as possible.
Where is the justification for using the word  'small' in the report?

Can you please share with myself, and with the wider community, why you
continue to want to restrict the participation to a selected elite of your
personal choice, and not make the governance of this important project a
truly democratic and participatory process? Is this your personal choice?

How can we , European citizens with relevant expertise , contribute to the
technical decisions of the Commission on such important issues, if the
Project Officer
continue to operate as if in the dark ages?

Look forward to hear from you at your convenience,

Thanks in advance

Paola Di Maio

Hope this answers your question.
> Best,
> Stefano
> --------------------------------------------
> Stefano Bertolo, Ph.D.       Project Officer
> European Commission Information Society DG, Unit E2
> Mail: EUFO 1/293 - rue Alcide de Gasperi - L-2920 Luxembourg
> Office: Euroforum building - 10, rue Robert Stumper - L-2557 Luxembourg
> Tel. +352.4301.37435 Fax. +352.4301.38099
> stefano.bertolo@ec.europa.eu
> DG INFSO/E2: *http://cordis.europa.eu/info-management/*<http://cordis.europa.eu/info-management/>
> *http://www.okkam.org/entity/ed5bdc09-ca66-4435-b48e-6df558315fa1*<http://www.okkam.org/entity/ed5bdc09-ca66-4435-b48e-6df558315fa1>
> The views expressed in this e-mail are not necessarily those of
> the European Commission
> *From:  * paoladimaio10@gmail.com [*mailto:paoladimaio10@gmail.com*<paoladimaio10@gmail.com>
] * On Behalf Of* Paola Di Maio
*Sent:  * Tuesday, November 09, 2010 12:20 PM
*To:    * stefano.bertolo@cec.eu.int; Jonathan Gray; nrs@ecs.soton.ac.uk;
michael.hausenblas@deri.org; BERTOLO Stefano (INFSO); Richard Cyganiak; Jo
Walsh; Stefan Decker; Ton Zijlstra; Sören Auer
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*Subject:       * directory of open gov data projects
Dear Stefano

I learn from a colleague (on twitter!) about the recent meeting held in


I am very glad that you and the EU have an interest in this project

I started working toward this project early in June, in was invited to
discussed details of the proposed directory with Jo Wals and  Jonathan Gray
in a call last June,  see the notes in the pad below, with a view to make it
an OKFn project, as soon as  OKFn sorts out some internal governance issues.
(which I understand has been ongoing since)

Since then a few of us  have already started gathering  informally data from
various sources publicly shared and posted to the public OKF coord  list and
various other exchanges, therefore have some work already done that would
like to contribute toward a public resource.

 I have not been kept in the loop by Jonathan, and its only accidentally
that I hear from other peers there have been follow up discussions details
of which have not been publicly circulated, afaik.

May I ask,

1) what is the criteria for the 'experts' to be invited the meetings your
organise, and how can be sure that those who have initiated this work are
kept in the loop

2) what is the best mechanism to coordinate discussions for everyone
involved already working on this very topic can coordinate activities.
Should we open a public mailing list?

Thanks in advance, look forward to be hearing from you

Best regards

Paola Di Maio
(see notes below)

>    __

Received on Saturday, 29 January 2011 13:35:46 UTC