Re: eGov @ W3C Renewal

On behalf of the Invited Expert (Public Members) participants to the W3C e-Government Interest Group I would like to strongly urge member organizations to support the continuing work of the W3C in this space.

Many of us come from within Government and Academia, often where our respective employers cannot or will not become member organizations. None the less, the work of the IG has been instrumental in not only facilitating the free exchange of ideas and promotion of W3C standards between countries and agencies, but has been somewhat instrumental in the move towards Linked Open Data and the* efforts by Governments worldwide.

Please support our continued work in these very exciting times for Government in an online world.

Kind regards

Chris Beer
Invited Expert (Public Member)

On 29/04/2011, at 12:13, Sandro Hawke <> wrote:

> Reminder - the review period for whether W3C should continue with eGov
> work ends Friday, 29 April (today/tomorrow).  W3C member organizations
> [1] can weigh in, through their AC Representative [2] at this
> access-controlled form:
> Reviews are very important as the decision is made, in the next few
> days, concerning how to allocation resources for the next two years.
>      -- Sandro Hawke,  W3C eGovernment Activity Lead
> [1]
> [2] AC Rep contact information, for people with Member Access:

Received on Friday, 29 April 2011 03:55:57 UTC