Re: eGov meeting at W3C TPAC (November 1-2, Lyons)


I will be attending as a member of the WAI - EOWG which is meeting on 
Monday and Tuesday as well.  I will stop by the eGov meeting to meet 
you and whomever is in attendance.  It would be great to meet in person.


At 10:50 AM 10/13/2010, Sandro Hawke wrote:
>We have reserved a room as part of the W3C TPAC [1] event in Lyons,
>France, in about three weeks.   None of the Interest Group chairs expect
>to be there, but I will be.   My plan is to have two days of discussion,
>mostly about the future of eGov @ W3C.    In particular, I'm thinking
>day 1 (Monday) will be about eGov in general, and day 2 (Tuesday) will
>be specifically about Government Linked Data (GLD).
>My expectation at this point is that the eGov activity will be
>rechartered, with the IG running as a seminar series (as we did in the
>spring), with task forces (when/if there is sufficient interest), and
>with a GLD Working Group developing vocabularies, standardizing
>definitions to assist in procurement, and doing some community building.
>I'm thinking we can spend a day digging into each of those in some
>depth, sketching out plans in more detail.
>If you're interested, please register:
>I strongly recommend attending the plenary day (Wednesday), if you
>If you'll be there and have ideas for agenda items, or ways you'd like
>to see the event structured, please let me know as soon as possible.
>We have about a dozen people currently register, so it may be mostly
>discussion format, but if you have interesting material to present,
>please let me know.
>      -- Sandro

Received on Wednesday, 13 October 2010 16:05:01 UTC