Re: Censorship?


Apologies for jumping into the conversation, especially if I have
overlooked some context, but:

> On 11/9/2010 7:44 AM, Gannon Dick wrote:
> ...
> Do you know what an RDF List looks like ?  There is a "first" member, then a "rest" member, then a "nil" member. The model for Countries looks like this:
> <rdf:List>
>   <rdf:first>High Seas</rdf:first>
>   <rdf:rest>Andorra</rdf:rest>
>   <rdf:rest> Australia etc.... </rdf:rest>
>   <rdf:rest><rdf:nil /></rdf:rest>
> </rdf:List>

While the structure you describe here (first/rest) is correct the
syntax is not. In RDF/XML you would use parseType="Collection" and
rdf:li to define a list.

>  The Latitude/Longitude Model is incompatible with the RDF model because of 6 compass points (incl. up and down) only one is dry land- Antarctica.  There is only one set of [wet], [dry],[dry],[dry]
>  ... (although there are many possible orderings).

In what way is RDF incompatible with encoding latitude and longitude?
There are plenty of datasets which include information about points of



Leigh Dodds
Programme Manager, Talis Platform

Received on Monday, 8 November 2010 22:08:11 UTC