Re: ISSUE-37 (nonLiterals): How should dcat publishers figure out good URIs for properties with non-literal ranges? [dcat]

Hi Ed,

On 27 May 2010, at 15:41, eGovernment Interest Group Issue Tracker  
> Raised by Ed Summers:
> I wonder if it is worthwhile acknowledging (at least to ourselves)  
> that the ranges of dct:publisher, dct:accrualPeriodicity,  
> dct:spatial, dct:temporal, dcat:granularity, dcat:theme could be at  
> odds with the
> Simple Transformation From Existing Catalog Data requirement.  For  
> example a dataset publisher may know that the dataset is about  
> "Berlin, Germany" ... but they would have some work to do to figure
> out what URI to use with dct:spatial. Similarly they may know that a  
> dataset is published by the National Aeronautics and Space  
> Administration, but they will have to do some work to use a  
> linkeddata friendly URI like <>.

You are right, this is a question that needs addressing: For  
properties where the value is not a literal but another resource, how  
does the catalog publisher turn the string values in their database  
into RDF resources?

There might be three possible answers, or combinations thereof:

1. Just translate the strings to blank notes with rdfs:labels. This is  
simple and can always be done, but isn't very helpful from a linked  
data point of view (blank nodes cannot be linked to anything else)

2. Translate the strings to a controlled set of URIs (e.g., "Berlin,  
Germany" => http://mycatalog/spatial/Berlin,%20Germany). Like option  
1, this can be done automatically, but there are some complications  
around actually making these URIs resolvable (e.g., think of a website  
with embedded RDFa), . Big advantage of having a URI over a blank  
node: You can link to established identifiers after the fact using  

3. Map the strings to well-known identifiers from existing datasets,  
e.g., This probably has to be done  
manually, so is at odds with the “Simple Transformation From Existing  
Catalog Data” requirement. But it would produce the highest-quality RDF.

Are there any other options that I'm missing? Should we just document  
them all? Does any of the options hit a sweet spot?


Received on Thursday, 10 June 2010 14:56:23 UTC