Re: Organizations changing status

On 06/08/2010 01:17 PM, William Waites wrote:
> On 10-06-07 23:03, Emmanouil Batsis (Manos) wrote:
>> b) what happens when organizations change legal status?
> I'm not certain but I don't think this ever really
> happens. In practice the old organisation ceases to
> exist and a new one comes into being possibly with
> a period of overlap. They may share the same name
> and informally be referred to as the same but
> technically they are different organisations.

Not necessarily in cases I had in mind, for example a general 
partnership may actually evolve into a public company.

Within the context of local legislation, such a change may not accept an 
old > new org logic. This actually makes sense not only within a legal 
perspective but within an operational as well, where it is only the type 
of the organization that changes. Everything else, including VAT number, 
pending financial or other transactions etc. are not affected.

Manos Batsis, Chief Technologist
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Received on Tuesday, 8 June 2010 12:02:43 UTC