Catalog software to maintain/display OWL vocabularies...


We are investigating cost efficient ways of maintaining a catalog of
vocabularies created by various agencies. As data outlives
organizations I would like to bea able to find an OWL model years
after the agency that created it was shut down.

In addition, many of the websites that our agencies have today are
poor att maintaining URL:s over time so a common repository would make
life easier for the people involved in creating and maintaining

I guess I would like to have a website that presented
vocabularies in a consistent way for both humans and machines while at
the same time enabling discoverability of all the vocabularies that
the public sector creates.

Is anyone here aware if such software exists? Has anyone seen similar
catalogs on the web?


Peter Krantz
Stockholm, Sweden

Received on Thursday, 21 January 2010 14:14:55 UTC