Re: Draft - Publishing Government Data Online (was e: Raw-data-now)

Hi Chris, all,

Not sure I responded to this one. I'm finding a few messages that fell  
through the cracks. Apologies.

I think we should show progress on this one. This might well be a  
deliverable of the group as a whole (improved by the work of the  
various subgroups) or a deliverable of the [DataMgmt] project.

-- Jose

El 02/02/2010, a las 13:38, Chris Beer escribió:
> Hi Jose, Ed, all
> I do remember that Jose :) I refer someone around here to that gem  
> every couple of days (you'd think he'd take the time to book mark  
> it! (Semantic joke - ;P ). Seriously though - I'm wondering if a) Ed  
> means a real step-by-step how-to on datasets and metadata  
> specifically as opposed to the more general nature of the Draft doc  
> we've got and b) with regards to the Draft doc - either way we  
> really should make a priority effort (when we're not working Project  
> items) to finalise it. What's left to be done on it - Editing?  
> Review? RFC?
> Prehaps if we formalised it sooner than later as "Stable Version 1"  
> published in the IG space, we could actually start using the working  
> draft in the Wiki space and go ahead and make it a living document  
> in that sense, with regular releases/updates and say, 6 month  
> version milestones? Similiar say to how W3C standards are developed.
> My real concern at this point is that (for instance) a search on  
> "Publishing Open Government Data" and W3C returns over 100,000  
> search results - this document is seeing wide dissemination, and VEY  
> likely citation. The quicker we formalise a first stable version out  
> of draft, the better IMO.
> I'm eager and willing to get the ball rolling here, as I'm sure  
> Daniel, Adam, yourself and others likely are. While it is probably  
> worth discussing as an agenda item in the next telecon, there is no  
> reason we can't kick things off now - discussion in a formal meeting  
> environment doesn't equal action necessarily, and technically IG  
> members are within scope to start editing on the Wiki if I don't  
> miss my mark. So who's up for it! *puts up hand and looks around the  
> list*
> This document has obviously become a cornerstone of our work as far  
> as the online public is concerned. I think we owe to our  
> "stakeholders" to keep it up to date and more than a draft. It will  
> also serve as a great overview page potentially linking in for all  
> of the Projects, and associated supporting documents (such as the  
> PDF how-to guide) that the IG produces.
> Cheers as always
> Chris
> On 2/02/2010 9:19 PM, Jose Manuel Alonso wrote:
>> El 01/02/2010, a las 23:27, escribió:
>>>> Is there room in the working groups plans to publish a w3c note  
>>>> that
>>>> outlines simple recipes for making government datasets and their
>>>> metadata available on the web?
>>>> //Ed
>>> I think that a lot of the TF projects will cover this in some  
>>> regard - it
>>> certainly then should be easy to collate that information into a  
>>> single
>>> piece of documentation. As to whether it would achieve note status  
>>> lies
>>> with the Chairs I'm guessing.
>>> Chris
>> I think this is a great idea and much needed.
>> Remember the IG published a first draft back in September:
>> I hope we'll see it as a group note sometime in the future.
>> -- Josema

Received on Monday, 22 February 2010 16:54:59 UTC