Data quality management and linked open data resources


The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) is developing an Open Energy Information ( initiative. Its goal is to establish a (US and global) community-based "renewable energy data commons" based on linked open data principles. 

Right now we're working through issues relating to how best to manage data quality across the lifecycle of data assets contributed from multiple sources. Entities aligned with Federal Agencies and Departments have multiple requirements to meet relating to quality of data and information being made public in addition to the principles for data quality principles enunciated as part of What is new is figuring out how to best frame data policies and align practices and procedures to fully take advantage of semantic web technologies.

I doubt that we are the only group that is exploring how best to marry semantic web technologies with appropriate data quality policies, best practices, and procedures.  But, let me ask. Are you aware of other groups in government or elsewhere who are working to address data quality management issues as relates to repositories of linked open data resources? Can you connect us?

Also, to all our colleagues in the eGov interest group, we would welcome your input and suggestions.

Thank you,

Mills Davis

On Feb 9, 2010, at 1:55 PM, wrote:

> See February 8, 2010 post on's GovGab blog by Bev Godwin: 
> Here's an excerpt: 
> In response to President Obama's "Open Government Directive," federal agencies now have "/Open" pages where you can learn about each agency's work to become more open and collaborative. Each of these pages also includes a link to a dialog tool where you can share your ideas and discuss or vote on ideas submitted by others on how agencies can: 
> --Work better with others inside & outside the government 
> --Improve the availability & quality of information 
> --Be more innovative & efficient 
> --Create their Open Government Plans 
> I encourage you to participate, share your ideas and help us improve how we deliver online services and information! 
> Thanks!
> -Rachel
> -------------------------------
> Rachel Flagg 
> Web Content Manager 
>  and Co-Chair, Federal Web Managers Council 
> Government Web Best Practices Team
> Office of Citizen Services 
> U.S. General Services Administration 
> - Better websites. Better government.

Mills Davis
Managing Director
202-255-6655 cel
skype: millsdavis
1-800-713-8049 fax

Received on Tuesday, 9 February 2010 19:38:47 UTC